oralisations是什么意思 oralisations的中文翻译、读音、例句

oralisations是什么意思 oralisations的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:He failed the oral. (他口试不及格。)


例句:I'm sure you were. But Oral Roberts wasn't, and Billy Graham wasn't. (当然 但是Oral Roberts不会 Billy Graham也不会)


1. Polio is spread by faecal-oral contact and can be prevented by an oral vaccine. (翻译:脊髓灰质炎通过粪-口接触传播,可通过口服疫苗预防。)

2. Objective To study the relationship between iron deficiency anemia and oral candidiasis albicans, and the role of chalybeate in treating oral candidiasis albicans. (翻译:目的探讨缺铁性贫血与口腔白色念珠菌病间的关系,以及补铁在治疗口腔白色念珠菌病中的作用。)

3. Familiar, current, formal, oral and written. (翻译:习惯用法、一般用法、正式用法 不论在口语或在写作上)

4. And block any testimony of abuse, either oral or written, (翻译:拒绝接受任何口头或者书面的 来自被告或者其母亲的)

5. Superconducting circuits, meanwhile, make operations much faster than trapped ions, and it’s easier to scale up the number of circuits in a computer than the number of ions. (翻译:同时,超导电路的计算速度 比离子阱快很多, 计算机中的电路数量也更容易扩增, 比增加离子阱中的离子容易。)

6. And you have oral candidiasis. (翻译:你还有口腔念珠菌病 And you have oral candidiasis.)

7. Abstract : Abstract: Oral treponema is a member of oral bacteria in the healthy periodontal tissue. (翻译:摘要 [摘要] 口腔密螺旋体是健康牙周人群口腔细菌的成员之一。)

8. Kouqiangke, oral surgery chin face professional, Zhengji rehabilitation professional, preventive oral health professionals, other. (翻译:口腔科、腔颔面外科专业、畸修复专业、腔预防保健专业、他。)

9. Hydrochloric acid interacts with water to form hydronium ions and chloride ions. (翻译:盐酸与水相互作用形成水合氢离子和氯离子。)

10. When you charge the battery, ions will flow through the liquid. (翻译:当你给电池充电时,电池里的液体会发生离子运动。)

11. Structures and Properties of the Ground State for RuH and RuN Molecules and Their Molecular Ions (翻译:RuH和RuN分子及其分子离子的基态结构与性质)

12. What's the consequence of forming these gas ions? (翻译:形成这些气态离子的结果是什么呢? )

13. These proteins always have the ability of binding metal ions or forming dimmers. (翻译:这类蛋白通常都具有金属离子结合能力或者形成二聚体的能力。)

14. Chelation- enhanced Fluorescence of a Tripodal Naphthylacetamide Derivative with Transition Metal Ions (翻译:三爪结构萘乙酰胺衍生物与过渡金属离子的螯合荧光增强)

15. Ions contents in roots were between leaves, heartwoods and sapwoods. (翻译:根中的各离子质量分数介于以上两类之间。)

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