oral summons是什么意思 oral summons的中文翻译、读音、例句

oral summons是什么意思 oral summons的中文翻译、读音、例句

oral summons的意思是"口头传唤",其次还有"法"的意思,读音为[oralsummons],oral summons常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到11个与oral summons相关的例句。

Oral summons的词典翻译


例句:The divine Poppaea summons Tigellinus to question a witness. (神圣的波比亚传召提基尼斯 去审问一个证人)


例句:Knowledge is knowledge, oral or written. (只给他进行口头测试 口头和书面 只是表达知识的两种不同途径)


oral summons一般作为名词使用,如在summons(传唤 )、formal summons([法] 传唤通知, 传票)、garnishee summons(第三债务人传票)等常见短语中出现较多。

formal summons[法] 传唤通知, 传票
garnishee summons第三债务人传票
interpleader summons[法] 相互诉讼的传票
issue a summons发出传票
judgement summons[经] 法院传讯
judgment summons判决后的传票
originating summons[法] 传唤令
pluries summons[法] 第三次传票


1. A police patrolman of the local force handed him a ticket with a summons to traffic court. (翻译:当地一位巡逻警察递给他一张传票,要他上交通法庭。)

2. Mr. Huntley had to sign off on the summons before I delivered them. (翻译:Huntley先生得先把传票签了 我才能拿去送)

3. Summons and dismisses a rideable little ivory raptor. This is NOT a fast mount. (翻译:召唤和解散一只可以骑乘的小迅猛龙,这不是一种非常快的坐骑。)

4. Group was treated with oral soup flavored fingers peaches, control group was given capsules of oral adefovir dipivoxil. (翻译:治疗组给予加味五指毛桃汤口服,对照组给予阿德福韦酯胶囊口服。)

5. Contain mint fragrance , can eliminate your oral malodor and care your oral cavity all round . (翻译:味含薄荷留兰香,驱除口腔异味,对口腔进行全面护理。)

6. But after that the place, the name 'Musashino' rang in me like a summons. (翻译:但武藏野这个词 对我来说却是重要的关键字)

7. Familiar, current, formal, oral and written. (翻译:习惯用法、一般用法、正式用法 不论在口语或在写作上)

8. I received a summons to the Warden's office. (翻译:我接收到了去沃登办公室的召见令。)

9. The Caster summons a Wyvern and binds it to his service. (翻译:法师召唤一只双足飞龙,并使其为自己服务。)

10. Only the king summons the Guardian. (翻译:只有国王才能召唤守护者 Only the king summons the Guardian.)

11. Note for Editors: Polio is spread by faecal-oral contact and can be prevented by an oral vaccine. (翻译:向编者提供的说明:脊髓灰质炎经由粪便-口腔接触传播并可通过口服疫苗进行预防。)

12. Abstract : Abstract: Oral treponema is a member of oral bacteria in the healthy periodontal tissue. (翻译:摘要 [摘要] 口腔密螺旋体是健康牙周人群口腔细菌的成员之一。)

13. To tell you the truth he doesn't really invite you, he summons you. (翻译:从事故以后,他就不像 过去那样参加那么多社会活动了)

14. Well, maybe if you had come to me when they first sent the summons, yes. (翻译:嗯,也许如果你来找我 当他们第一次发出的传票,是的。)

15. So as soon as he found out that Lowenherz wasn't there, he withdrew the summons. (翻译:就是建议赛德尔跟我说话。他就会收回传票)

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