organ physiology通常被翻译为"器官生理学"的意思,在日常中也代表"器官生理学"的意思,在线发音:[organphysiology],organ physiology来源于英语,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到43个与organ physiology相关的句子。
Organ physiology的翻译
例句:[church organ music] [bell rings] - [gasps] (走在走道上 而我真的开始感觉好像 它可能永远也不会发生在我身上了)
organ physiology一般作为名词使用,如在sensory organ physiology([生理] 感官生理学)、sport organ physiology([生理] 运动器官生理学)、physiology(生理学 )等常见短语中出现较多。
sensory organ physiology | [生理] 感官生理学 |
sport organ physiology | [生理] 运动器官生理学 |
physiology | 生理学 |
digestive physiology | [生理] 消化系统生理学 |
ecological physiology | 生态生理学 |
economic physiology | 经济生理学 |
diving physiology | 潜水生理学 |
environmental physiology | 环境生理学 |
embryo physiology | [胚] 胚胎生理学 |
1. Anatomy, physiology and kinesiology of the human body are studied. (翻译:学生们要学习解剖学、生理学和人体运动学。)
2. Because of your rather active organ-procurement program. (翻译:因为你在器官采购市场上表现相当活跃 {\3cH202020}because of your rather active organ)
3. The largest organ in the body is the liver. (翻译:体内最大的器官是肝脏。)
4. The physiology of endothermy allows sustained physical activity, such as running. (翻译:恒温动物的生理结构允许它们进行持续的物理运动,比如奔跑。)
5. Media formula and plant control effects on aeroponics potato tuberization physiology (翻译:营养与株型调控对雾培马铃薯的结薯生理影响)
6. Now, synesthesia is the experience of a stimulus in once sense organ in another sense organ as well, such as colored hearing. (翻译:联觉是指一种感官受到的刺激引起 另一种感官的感受, 例如色彩听觉。)
7. Fugue on a theme by Corelli, for organ in b minor (翻译:b小调根据科雷利主题为管风琴而作的赋格曲。)
8. An abscission zone occurs at the base of the organ. (翻译:脱落区发生在器官基部的某一特化的区域。)
9. Anything in there about organ transplants? (翻译:那里面有没有关于器官移植的? Anything in there about organ transplants?)
10. This review will focus on the physiology of the osteoclast . (翻译:本综述将着重讨论破骨细胞的生理。)
12. You see, ever since the 1970s, when organ transplants became a real option for patients with kidney failure and other organ diseases, organ supply has been an issue. (翻译:自xx年以来, 器官移植成为了一种现实的选择, 对于肾脏衰竭以及其他患有 器官疾病的患者而言, 器官短缺一直都是个问题。)
13. We expected the organ grinder, not the monkey. (翻译:我们需要冲锋陷阵的铁汉子 而不是博人欢心的猴子)
14. It is a leading research centrum of plant physiology and biochemistry in Bulgaria. (翻译:该所是保加利亚植物生理学与生物化学领域最主要的研究中心之一。)
15. We came close to having another organ donor. (翻译:和她再多待5分钟 就多一个器官捐献者 We came close to having another organ donor.)