orifice tank通常被翻译为"量测孔腔"的意思,在英美地区还有"量测孔腔"的意思,发音是[orificetank],orifice tank是一个英语名词,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到67个与orifice tank相关的句子。
Orifice tank的中文翻译
例句:And have a nice full tank of gas. (还有别忘了给车加满油 And have a nice full tank of gas)
orifice tank一般作为名词使用,如在orifice feed tank(孔口加药槽)、orifice(孔口 )、in the tank(掉进游泳池(指股价急剧下跌))等常见短语中出现较多。
orifice feed tank | 孔口加药槽 |
orifice | 孔口 |
in the tank | 掉进游泳池(指股价急剧下跌) |
to tank | [网络] 到油箱;完全失败 |
die orifice | 模口,模孔 |
drowned orifice | 潜口 |
discharge orifice | [化] 排放孔 |
equalizing orifice | [网络] 平衡孔 |
equivalent orifice | 等效孔;等效孔板 |
1. Something is important for Athena to protect the D-tank. (翻译:阿迪那之所以死守着d -tank肯定有什么理由)
2. Full tank of gas, plenty of ammo... (翻译:满缸的油 子弹充足... Full tank of gas, plenty of ammo...)
3. - Operation Think Tank Saves the Day, (翻译:我们可以经营Think Tank,维持生计)
4. The septic tank is connected to the winery, and is above an underground oil tank. (翻译:这个排污池连接着酒厂 下面还有地下油缸,我怕会有危险)
5. The Elutron Plasteel tank is a trade mark double wall steel GRP tank. (翻译:多用途直线加速器塑料桶是一个卓越的双壁玻璃钢罐。)
6. Now, you know why they call me Tank, don't you, Archy? (翻译:你现在知道人们为什么 喊我Tank了吧,Archy?)
7. Then you asked me to stop a tank. (翻译:Then you asked me to stop a tank. 让哥挡坦克)
8. Tank, there's a tank on our right, back up, back up. (翻译:在我们的权利上的一个战车! 向后地移动!)
Tank, that you blew it with Alexis. (翻译,Tank 你把Alexis惹火了)
10. The tapered plug or "needle" is screwed in or out of a mating orifice in the body and thus controls the effective orifice size. (翻译:其锥形插头或“针头”是阀体上配置的螺纹旋进旋出的节流道,因此能够有效控制节流面积。)
11. He had secret anti-tank weapons... which could reach a temperature of 5,000 degrees! (翻译:他有秘密的反坦克武器... He had secret anti -tank weapons...)
12. Think that your life depends on that orifice... that you breathe through it. (翻译:想想你这辈子就靠这个洞了... 然后就能挺过去了)
13. Was the tank full of white liquid? (翻译:是装满白色液体的罐子么? Was the tank full of white liquid?)
14. I did a press conference, then I filled the gas tank. (翻译:I did a press conference, then I filled the gas tank.)
15. Oxygen Tank Status: 1~6 FULL (翻译:氧气瓶状态: 1~6号 充满 Oxygen Tank Status: 1~6 FULL)