originator是什么意思 originator的中文翻译、读音、例句

originator是什么意思 originator的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:originator是指创始人或发起人,通常用于指发明、创造或开始某个事情的人。在商业和经济领域,也可以指发行人或原始债权人。

2. 词源:originator源于拉丁语的“originatus”,意为创造或起源。该词在文学、艺术和法律等领域中常被使用。

3. 同义词:inventor、founder、creator、pioneer等。

4. 应用场景:originator通常被用来指代具有创造性和开创性的人。例如,电影导演可以被称为电影的“originator”,因为他们负责构思和制作电影的内容和风格。


1. He is the originator of the modern computer industry.(他是现代计算机产业的创始人。)

2. The originator of psychoanalysis is Freud.(精神分析学的创始人是弗洛伊德。)

3. As the originator of the new teaching method, he has become famous all over the world.(作为新教学方法的发起人,他已经成为全世界的知名人士。)

4. The originator of the theory of relativity is Einstein.(相对论理论的发起人是爱因斯坦。)

5. Ford is considered the originator of the assembly line in manufacturing.(福特被认为是制造业装配线的发起人。)

英 [əˈrɪdʒəneɪtə(r)] 美 [əˈrɪdʒəneɪtər]

翻译:n. 创始人,发起人


1. Thomas Edison was the originator of the phonograph.


2. The originator of the theory of relativity was Albert Einstein.





例句:And yet, men have no right to protest, because the originator of the bad practice is man. (但男人们却无权抗议,因为始作俑者正是男人。)


例句:For example: % HTM: task.originator %. (例如:% htm: task . originator %。)


例句:Examples: digital watermarks, organization crest, personal logo, originator identifier. (比如:数字水印、组织饰章、个人标识、原创标识等。)


例句:To establish the PBT path, a path calculation is performed from the originator node to the terminator node through the network. (翻译:为建立PBT路径,执行从起始节点通过网络到终止节点的路径计算。)


originator一般作为名词使用,如在message originator(讯息发起者)、Mortgage Originator(抵押贷款发起人)、originator indication([计] 始发者指示)等常见短语中出现较多。

message originator讯息发起者
Mortgage Originator抵押贷款发起人
originator indication[计] 始发者指示
Originator.n. 发起人\n[网络] 始发者;创作者;创始人
problem originator[计] 任务提出者, 问题提出者
ultimate originator[网络] 最初发起人
variance originator变异原产者
mortgage loan originator[网络] 按揭贷款发放者;按揭贷款收放者;贷款专员
originator code/name原产者代码/姓名


1. Examples: digital watermarks, organization crest, personal logo, originator identifier. (翻译:比如:数字水印、组织饰章、个人标识、原创标识等。)

2. To establish the PBT path, a path calculation is performed from the originator node to the terminator node through the network. (翻译:为建立PBT路径,执行从起始节点通过网络到终止节点的路径计算。)

3. It seems like you want to accuse me of being the originator of the invasion, (翻译:看起来,你想因为我是 ... 侵害的发起者而控告我)

4. Our hero and originator, Dave Denniston, beautifully tucks one foot over top of the other and slides his feet into the wall. (翻译:我们的英雄和发起人,戴夫Denniston、优美的一只脚在一把抓过另一个的上面,然后他的脚撞在墙上。)

5. London Stock Exchange today has more than 200 years of history, can be regarded as the originator of the Securities and Exchange world. (翻译:伦敦股票交易到今天已有200多年的历史,可称得上是世界证券交易的鼻祖。)

6. The "coca" in the name referred to the extracts of coca leaf that the drink's originator, chemist John Pemberton, mixed with his sugary syrup. (翻译:名称中的“可口”指的是这种饮料的发明者,化学家约翰·彭伯顿用来与糖浆汁混合的古柯叶提取物。)

7. Originally labeled as China's Twitter clone, Sina Weibo has innovated so much that it is now a more robust platform than its originator. (翻译:新浪微博起初被外界称之为Twitter的中国山寨版,但是它已经做出了众多创新,以至于现在成为了一个比原版网站都还要强大的平台。)

8. Our hero and originator, Dave Denniston, beautifully tucks one foot over top of the other and slides his feet into the wall. (翻译:我们的英雄和发起人,戴夫denniston、优美的一只脚在一把抓过另一个的上面,然后他的脚撞在墙上。)

9. Johnson is a great early jazz pianist, originator of the 1920s Harlem "stride" style, and an important blues and jazz composer. (翻译:约翰逊是一位伟大的早期爵士钢琴家,20世纪xx年代哈莱姆“跨步”风格的鼻祖,也是一位重要的蓝调和爵士作曲家。)

10. As the originator of the theory of evolution, Darwin believed that the universal recognition of facial expressions would have survival value. (翻译:作为进化论的创始人,达尔文认为对面部表情的普遍识别具有攸关存亡的价值。)



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