original sequence number在中文中有"原始顺序号"的意思,在日常中也代表"计"的意思,在线发音:[originalsequencenumber],original sequence number是一个英语名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到55个与original sequence number相关的例句。
Original sequence number的词典翻译
例句:Heck it's likely to be this morning. (Divide that by the number of planes.)
例句:Initiating calibration sequence. (校准程序启动 Initiating calibration sequence.)
original sequence number一般作为名词使用,如在original number([计] 原始编号)、number sequence([计] 数序)、sequence number(序号\n[计] 序号)等常见短语中出现较多。
original number | [计] 原始编号 |
number sequence | [计] 数序 |
sequence number | 序号\n[计] 序号 |
sequence of number | 数列 |
original called number | 原始被较号码 |
expected sequence number | 预期序号 |
file sequence number | 文件顺序号 |
identification sequence number | [计] 识别序列号, 识别序列数 |
initial sequence number | 初始顺序号码 |
1. Target sequence confirmed! (翻译:目标序列确认 target sequence confirmed!)
2. Emended his original statement. (翻译:校对他的原始声明 Emended his original statement.)
3. Chapter two, not really original. (翻译:- Professor Thorne? - Chapter two, not really original.)
4. This is number one disaster! (翻译:What? This is number one disaster!)
5. Since the deleted recordId is not reused so as to maintain the original sequence in records, the record is marked as invalid by a distinctive string pattern. (翻译:因为为了维持记录中原始的顺序所删除的 recordId不能重用,所以这个记录通过特有的字符串模式标记为无效。)
6. You go to number 3, and you go to number 5 (翻译:你是3号,你是5号 You go to number 3, and you go to number 5)
7. Strike Number 4 from the original, with disgust it was even brought up. (翻译:本地人完成第四轮反击 以无法形容的恶心方式)
8. ♪ A-number one top gun cadets ♪ (翻译:-number one top gun cadets #)
9. Ballard, get back on your number. (翻译:get back on your number.)
10. These include name, social security or ID number, claim number, dependent sequence within family and claim submittal and set numbers. (翻译:这些就包括名字,社会保险或身份证号码,申请数量,在家庭中的法定继承次序和申请提交以及序列号码。)
11. The launch sequence has been shut down and the feds (翻译:发射功能已经被关闭 The launch sequence has been shut down)
12. Reinitiating calibration sequence. (翻译:嗯 好吧 Oh. Very well. 重启校准程序 Reinitiating calibration sequence.)
13. It differs from the original DNA sequence in that it lacks intron and promoter sequences. (翻译:这样获得的DNA与原始的dna序列的不同在于缺少内含子和启动序列。)
14. I set the sequence myself. (翻译:我自己设置的密码 I set the sequence myself.)
15. "to our office, along with your winning prize number (翻译:along with your winning prize number)