orthodiagrams是什么意思 orthodiagrams的中文翻译、读音、例句

orthodiagrams是什么意思 orthodiagrams的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Just as automating the creation of the latest UML diagrams is beneficial, so too is automating a visual representation of your database. (自动创建最新的UML图将使您获益良多,同样,自动地可视化表示数据库也可以让您受益匪浅。)


例句:And when people draw diagrams of Git workflow, they use drawings that look like this. (当人们绘制Git流程图的时候 就会像这样 )


1. That's what Feynman diagrams were constructed for -- to understand particles. (翻译:费曼图解法就是为了这个才被绘制出来的 为了了解粒子 )

2. Ideogramic also allows freehand drawings on diagrams. (翻译:Ideogramic还允许在图上进行徒手画。)

3. Feynman diagrams are a graphical way of displaying the interactions between particles and fields. (翻译:费曼图是一种展示粒子与场之间相互作用的图示方法。)

4. Dehn himself was a particularly enthusiastic advocate of group diagrams. (翻译:戴恩本人就特别热衷的群图解的倡导者。)

5. Frei Otto was starting to use foam bubble diagrams and foam bubble models to generate his Mannheim Concert Hall. (翻译:弗赖 奥托首次利用泡沫的气泡图解 和气泡模型创造出了他的曼海姆音乐厅。)

6. A data flow diagram (DFD) diagrams the processes that change data into information. (翻译:数据流程图绘制出把数据变成信息的过程。)

7. Touchpoint diagrams help you see the various ways in which customers come into contact with your software. (翻译:触点图表能助你看到顾客接触你的软件的各种各样的方式。)

8. Why all your diagrams are incomplete? This is so special-yawl? You obtain from the girls incorrectly of money! ! ! ! (翻译:所有您的图为什么是残缺不全的?这如此是特别小帆船?您从女孩银色金钱不正确地获得!!!)

9. That's what Feynman diagrams were constructed for -- to understand particles. (翻译:费曼图解法就是为了这个才被绘制出来的 为了了解粒子)

10. You can capture the VFB structure for software components nicely using UML structure diagrams. (翻译:您可以很好地利用UML结构图获得软件组件的VFB结构。)

11. Reduce manual data reentry by letting Office Visio 2007 keep diagrams up-to-date for you. (翻译:使OfficeVisio2007保持图表最新,减少手动重新输入数据的工作。)

12. Gliffy is an online application that makes it easy for you to create, share, and collaborate with diagrams. (翻译:这个软件是在线的,利用它可以创建、分享和协同设计流程图。)

13. Thus, you can create different diagrams to visualize different portions of the database, or to accentuate different aspects of the design. (翻译:因此您可建立不同的图表,视觉化资料库的不同部分,或强调不同的设计重点。)

14. I used diagrams and pictures to learn the words around them. (翻译:我利用书中的图表和图片 来学习那些词汇的含义)

15. No Longer provided code samples, which are far more precise than descriptions or block diagrams. (翻译:NoLonger提供了代码示例,比仅仅使用描述或者图更加精确。)

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