orrhorrhea是什么意思 orrhorrhea的中文翻译、读音、例句

orrhorrhea是什么意思 orrhorrhea的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:In the light of current situation at Pangang, the necessity to absorb the imported RH-MFB technology and the due development are discussed. (结合攀钢的实际情况,讨论了攀钢消化吸收引进的RH - M FB技术的必要性和应开展的工作。)


例句:It was found that the survival of the aerosol of S. marcescens was influenced by temperature and RH, but the aerosol of B. globigii spores was very stable in all coditions of temperature and RH. (发现粘质沙雷氏菌在空气中可分为快、慢两个不同的衰亡阶段,其气溶胶存活受温湿度影响; )


1. The male rhea, a large, flightless bird from South America related to the ostrich, has a bit of a wandering eye when it comes to mating. (翻译:动物父亲的图片集。雄性的三趾鸵鸟,不能飞的鸟从南美洲关系到鸵鸟,已有点流浪眼睛,当谈到交配。)

2. Epimetheus, as pictured above, is actually well behind the heavily cratered Rhea. (翻译:土卫十一,在上图中,实际远远地在环形山密布的土卫五后面。)

3. RH: Well, many of you know him or have seen him. (翻译:RH:当然,你们很多人 都知道他或见过他。)

4. Rhea commanded the eagle to sachet him on the way. He was taken to an island far beyond the watchful eyes of Cronus. (翻译:瑞亚命令神鹰一路上保护宙斯,并把他带到了一个远离克罗诺斯的岛屿上。)

5. Objective To study the effects of rhein derivative RH-01 on KB cells. (翻译:目的研究大黄酸衍生物rh - 01对鼻咽癌k B细胞的抑制作用。)

6. In heraklion Venice square and ella, rhea square between heraklion is the most busy business center. (翻译:在伊拉克里翁的威尼斯广场和艾拉·弗瑞亚广场之间就是伊拉克里翁最热闹的商业中心。)

7. RH: In practice, you're right that you can't just rely on algorithms. (翻译:RH:实际操作中,你是对的, 你不能只是依赖算法。)

8. The conservator will remark that the RH variation is still extreme, compared with the variation allowed by museum standards. (翻译:文物保护专家指出,以上研究和博物馆标准相比,相对湿度变化仍然严重。)

9. Fannie Rhea was a widower to a Mr. William Mugg years back. (翻译:房利美瑞亚是一个鳏夫 到威廉Mugg先生 几年前。)

10. There's just -- RH: Sure, that's a big symbolic one, vacation, because most people, in practice, do that, anyway. (翻译:这只是—— RH:当然,假期安排是非常有代表性的, 因为大部分人其实反正也要休假。)

11. Conclusion The biological characteristics of Rh. sanguineus have been obtained under laboratory conditions. It will provide reference for colonization and scientific experiments of Rh. sanguineus. (翻译:结论 实验室条件下获得血红扇头蜱传代的生物学指标,为其人工饲养和科学实验提供参考。)

12. The internal RH-change of concretes with one-dimensional moisture transported was measured, in different RH curing environment. (翻译:在不同湿度养护环境下,测试沿单轴方向传湿的混凝土试件内不同部位处相对湿度变化情况。)

13. Rhea told me you were gonna get paid $50,000 for this. (翻译:雷亚告诉我你在谈婚论嫁支付 这50,000美元。)

14. Yes, Rhea and I are gonna ask my father for 500 grand. (翻译:是的,我和雷亚是要问我的父亲 500盛大。)

15. In the laboratory, nymphal I. scapularis can survive for over 6 months at 93-100% relative humidity (RH), but over half will die in less than 4 days at 65% RH. (翻译:肩胛扁虱幼虫在室温相对湿度93-100%可存活6个月以上,但是约一半以上在相对湿度65%的室温下,存活不足4天。)

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