ostorhinchus holotaenia是什么意思 ostorhinchus holotaenia的中文翻译、读音、例句

ostorhinchus holotaenia是什么意思 ostorhinchus holotaenia的中文翻译、读音、例句

ostorhinchus holotaenia的意思是"大目侧仔、大面侧仔",还经常被翻译为全纹天竺鲷,单词读音音标为[ostorhinchusholotaenia],ostorhinchus holotaenia在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到12个与ostorhinchus holotaenia相关的句子。

Ostorhinchus holotaenia的翻译


例句:Four cameras. Every square inch covered. (every square inch covered.)


例句:The internal RH-change of concretes with one-dimensional moisture transported was measured, in different RH curing environment. (在不同湿度养护环境下,测试沿单轴方向传湿的混凝土试件内不同部位处相对湿度变化情况。)


例句:I wonder about us a lot, actually. (其实我经常想我们两个的事 I wonder about us a lot, actually.)


ostorhinchus holotaenia一般作为名词使用,如在ostorhinchus apogonoides(短齿鹦天竺鲷;短牙鹦竺鲷;大面侧仔;大目侧仔;短齿天竺鲷)、ostorhinchus compressus(裂带天竺鲷;大面侧仔;大目侧仔)、ostorhinchus cyanosoma(金带天竺鲷;大面侧仔;大目侧仔)等常见短语中出现较多。

ostorhinchus apogonoides短齿鹦天竺鲷;短牙鹦竺鲷;大面侧仔;大目侧仔;短齿天竺鲷
ostorhinchus compressus裂带天竺鲷;大面侧仔;大目侧仔
ostorhinchus cyanosoma金带天竺鲷;大面侧仔;大目侧仔
ostorhinchus dispar箭矢天竺鲷;异天竺鲷;大面侧仔;大目侧仔
ostorhinchus doederleini稻氏天竺鲷;斗氏天竺鲷;大面侧仔;大目侧仔
ostorhinchus endekataenia细线天竺鲷;大面侧仔;大目侧仔
ostorhinchus fasciatus宽条鹦天竺鲷;宽条鹦竺鲷;大面侧仔;大目侧仔


1. I wonder about us a lot, actually. (翻译:其实我经常想我们两个的事 I wonder about us a lot, actually.)

2. As I look around I see a lot of celebrities among us. (翻译:As I look around I see a lot of celebrities among us.)

3. If that shiv was an inch higher, (翻译:如果刺的在高一点的话 If that shiv was an inch higher...)

4. Oh, well, a lot of good that does us now, huh? (翻译:那有个屁用 Oh, well, a lot of good that does us now, huh?)

5. ♪ phresh out the runway, phresh out, phresh out the runway ♪ (翻译:♪ Own this ho ♪ ♪ Like we own this ho ♪)

6. - I want... four dozen Ding Dongs and a giant Ho Ho. (翻译:你想要点什么? 四打巧克力蛋糕 一大根巧克力棒)

7. You make one sound, or you move an inch... (翻译:or you move an inch...)

8. # And that I was a little, tiny girl (翻译:* Oh, that I was a little tiny girl with a hey ho *)

9. We liked each other a lot, us three. (翻译:我们爱着对方,我们三个。We liked each other a lot, us three.)

10. All are currently safe and receiving the ashby eni cure. (翻译:三人均已接受艾什比埃尼治疗 目前一切安全)

11. And, i think that both of us will be a lot happier, if we get a divorce. (翻译:如果离婚 And, i think that both of us will be a lot happier, 你我都会更快乐些 if we get a divorce.)

12. You know, you and I are a lot alike, both of us living one life on the outside. (翻译:要知道 你我很是相像 You know, you and I are a lot alike, 从来都以表象示人 both of us living one life on the outside.)

13. Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam (翻译:200}os iusti meditabitur sapientiam)

14. So notice RH: right hand, LH: left hand. (翻译:所以注意”RH“代表右手,”LH“代表左手 )

15. You couldn't put the Mac OS 10 logo in 211k! (翻译:Mac OS X的logo都不止211k!)

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