ostracized是什么意思 ostracized的中文翻译、读音、例句

ostracized是什么意思 ostracized的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 意义


2. 情境


- 在学校中,一个孤立的学生可能会被 ostracized,因为他们不符合某些流行的社交标准。

- 在工作场所中,一个员工可能会被 ostracized,因为他们与其他员工在某些事情上持有不同的观点。

- 在社会中,一个少数群体可能会被 ostracized,因为他们的行为或身份与主流不同。

3. 影响



1. She felt ostracized by her colleagues after speaking out against the company's unethical practices. (她因站出来反对公司的不道德行为而感到被同事排斥。)

2. The school's policy of ostracizing students with learning disabilities is unacceptable. (学校排斥有学习障碍的学生的做法是不可接受的。)

3. The new neighbor was ostracized by the rest of the community because of her religious beliefs. (由于她的宗教信仰,新来的邻居被社区的其他人排斥。)

4. Despite being ostracized by his classmates, the young boy continued to pursue his passion for music. (尽管被同学排斥,那个小男孩仍然继续追求自己对音乐的热爱。)

5. Many women in the workplace still report feeling ostracized and undervalued. (许多女性在工作场所仍然感到被排斥和低估。)




1. After the scandal, he was ostracized by his former friends and colleagues.


2. She felt ostracized by the other students because of her accent.





例句:A few years later, he fell out of favor, was ostracized by his countrymen, and was banished from Athens. (但是几年后,第米斯托克利却失宠了,甚至被希腊人从雅典驱除出境,流放国外。)


例句:He was ostracized by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike. (他因拒绝支持罢工而受到同事的排斥。)


例句:And she was told that she would be ostracized and her family, her in-laws, they would all be shunned from the community, because many felt that her father had been well within his right, given her transgression. (她被告知她将被孤立, 她的家人,她的姻亲, 都将被社会放逐, 因为很多人认为鉴于她的过错, 他父亲有权这样做。)


例句:You don't want a story published that paints you as an ostracized and unstable figure, (翻译:你只是不希望我们发布的报道 把你塑造成没医院要又脾气暴躁的人)


1. And she was told that she would be ostracized and her family, her in-laws, they would all be shunned from the community, because many felt that her father had been well within his right, given her transgression. (翻译:她被告知她将被孤立, 她的家人,她的姻亲, 都将被社会放逐, 因为很多人认为鉴于她的过错, 他父亲有权这样做。)

2. You don't want a story published that paints you as an ostracized and unstable figure, (翻译:你只是不希望我们发布的报道 把你塑造成没医院要又脾气暴躁的人)

3. I worry that people will self-censor in fear of being ostracized by society, or that people will lose their jobs because of their waning attention or emotional instability, or because they're contemplating collective action against their employers. (翻译:我担心人们会因为害怕被社会排斥 害怕因走神或情绪波动, 又或者因为他们想过要 采取反对老板的集体行动, 而失去他们的工作, 从而对自己进行审查。)

4. Two years, I was ostracized, I was stigmatized, I was isolated, because I was a victim. (翻译:有两年时间,我被周遭唾弃,我被诋毁名声,被隔离 就因为我曾被人强暴)

5. For his efforts, Mr. Bihi has been ostracized by the leadership of the Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center, with which he used to have good relations. (翻译:因为他的这些行为,他被 Abubakar As-Saddique 伊斯兰中心的领袖斥责, 他们曾经保持着良好的关系。)

6. born of a knight and a night elf and ostracized since birth , sven has lead a solitary existence of meditation and training. (翻译:身为一个人类骑士及夜精灵的子嗣,史文自出生就被放逐,过著冥想与训练的隐士生活。)

7. He's dyslexic, a fact we were a little slow to figure out, and so for a couple of grades he felt ostracized and inadequate. (翻译:他有诵读障碍症,我们发现得比较迟,所以在好几个年级的时间里他感到被排斥,感到无能。)

8. Two years, I was ostracized, I was stigmatized, I was isolated, because I was a victim. (翻译:有两年时间,我被周遭唾弃,我被诋毁名声,被隔离 就因为我曾被人强暴 )

9. He remained true to himself and paid a heavy price for it by being ostracized and defamed. (翻译:王尔德为了忠实于自己,付出了受社会排斥及丧失名誉的沉重代价。)

10. Or the universally ostracized Ill Phil. (翻译:或者是随大流地一起抵制Ill Phil Or the universally ostracized Ill Phil.)

11. Because of his comparatively small stature, Wam was ostracized in the Yuzzum hunting parties. (翻译:由于身材相对矮小,万被排除在了亚扎姆狩猎队之外。)

12. He was considered a heretic and was ridiculed and ostracized for his ideas. (翻译:他被视为一位异端分子,因其思想而遭到嘲笑和排斥。)

13. Because of his comparatively small stature, Wam was ostracized in the Yuzzum hunting parties. (翻译:由于身材相对矮小,万被排除在了亚扎姆狩猎队之外。)

14. She claims she's being ostracized by some members of her local community. (翻译:她声称遭到自己所在社区的一些成员排斥。)



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