ouerall length是什么意思 ouerall length的中文翻译、读音、例句

ouerall length是什么意思 ouerall length的中文翻译、读音、例句

ouerall length的意思是"拉刀全长",还经常被翻译为机,发音音标为[oueralllength],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到51个与ouerall length相关的例句。

Ouerall length的中文翻译


例句:At length the carriage stopped. (马车终于停了下来。)


例句:Length is predicable of a line. (长度是线的属性。)


ouerall length一般作为名词使用,如在length by length(一步一步地,一分一分地)、length(长度 )、in length(长度)等常见短语中出现较多。

length by length一步一步地,一分一分地
in length长度
the length[网络] 长度;衣长;袖长
the length of[网络] 的长度
to length按一定长度
die length[网络] 长
differential length[数] 微分长度
diffusion length[电] 扩散长度


1. Cropping length of shuttleless loom is controlled seriously to guarantee baling length and suitable warp and weft density. (翻译:严格控制好无梭织机的落布长度,才能保证成包长度及经纬密符合要求。)

2. This is referred to as crosstalk critical length. (翻译:这个长度就被作为串扰的关键分析点。)

3. Are omnivores, human intestines length of about 8-10 times the body length, is not even close to the herbivores? (翻译:人是杂食动物,人的肠子长度约为体长的8-10倍,是不是更接近食草动物?)

4. Is there any kind of discount for length of marriage? (翻译:结婚不久有没有折扣打? Is there any kind of discount for length of marriage?)

5. The length in the diastole was bigger than that in the systole. (翻译:在舒张期其可视长度比收缩期长。)

6. It adopts the servomotor to drive and the optical code meter to count the length, which precisely controls the length of bags. (翻译:采用伺服电机驱动,光码器计长,精确控制袋长。)

7. Length also describes the length of the formatted string , including input characters , literals, and prompt characters . (翻译:还描述带格式字符串的长度,包括输入字符、原义字符和提示字符。)

8. Some experimentation with the -padx, -pady, -length, and -borderwidth attributes is generally required. (翻译:通常需要对- padx、- pady、- length和- borderwidth进行一些试验。)

9. Instead of defining the length of an iteration in a RUP project, the workload is always aligned with the 30-day length sprint. (翻译:工作总是按照30天的“疾跑”排列下来的,而不是定义一个RUP项目的一次迭代的长度。)

10. Automatic truncation of fixed length data. (翻译:固定长度数据的自动截断。)

11. Trousers length is sometimes called "outseam". (翻译:裤子的长度有时被称为“外长”。)

12. The length of a paragraph depends on the information it conveys. (翻译:段落的长度取决于它传达的信息。)

13. There is significant linear relationship between otolith's radius, length, width and the body length. (翻译:在耳石径、耳石长度、耳石宽度和体长间存在显著的线性关系。)

14. Tunics remained the primary article of clothing, typically knee-length to ankle-length, usually with a cincture. (翻译:长袍仍是服装的主要文章,通常及膝到脚踝长度的环绕,通常以。)

15. CanI speak at length on a topic? (翻译:我能否详尽地就一个话题侃侃而谈? )

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