outside manufacturing是什么意思 outside manufacturing的中文翻译、读音、例句

outside manufacturing是什么意思 outside manufacturing的中文翻译、读音、例句

outside manufacturing的中文解释是"外包订制",在日常中也代表"外包订制"的意思,单词读音音标为[outsidemanufacturing],outside manufacturing来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到75个与outside manufacturing相关的句子。

Outside manufacturing的词典翻译


例句:In '85, there was an empty field outside of town. (there was an empty field outside of town.)


outside manufacturing一般作为名词使用,如在outside to outside(显微镜外至境外)、manufacturing(n. 制造业\na. 制造业的)、on the outside((公司等的)外勤探子)等常见短语中出现较多。

outside to outside显微镜外至境外
manufacturingn. 制造业\na. 制造业的
on the outside(公司等的)外勤探子
outside and in里里外外
outside in里面翻到外面, 彻底地
outside of在...的外面, 超出...的范围, 除了...之外
the outside外面的世界(歌曲名,The Outside)\n外面
digital manufacturing数字化制造(digital manufacture的现在分词)
direct manufacturing直接制造


1. Then she added, "way, way outside the box." (翻译:way outside the box.)

2. It was a closed trial, so no one outside of the courtroom saw it. (翻译:so no one outside of the courtroom saw it.)

3. European manufacturing concern. (翻译:European manufacturing concern.)

4. Let me tell you, in addition to Ta-f my Xu outside (翻译:in addition to Ta -f my Xu outside)

5. Not at the apartment, outside. (翻译:没进来 在外面 Not at the apartment, outside.)

6. What about outside the box? Way, way outside the box? (翻译:way outside the box?)

7. It only opens from the outside. (翻译:It only opens from the outside.)

8. How is everything outside? (翻译:外面怎么样了 How is everything outside?)

9. Or if you prefer, I could step outside. (翻译:I could step outside.)

10. ♪ just outside the sound of pain... ♪ (翻译:# 让人忘记苦痛... # # just outside the sound of pain... #)

11. You have to take it outside. (翻译:You have to take it outside. 去外面喝)

12. The manufacturing and research buildings are all below ground. (翻译:制造和研发大楼 The manufacturing and research buildings 都在地下 are all below ground.)

13. And remember, when you get him outside... (翻译:when you get him outside...)

14. You are not to go outside! (翻译:You are not to go outside! I am too.)

15. Guys, step outside, please. (翻译:Guys, step outside, please. 你们去外边待会)

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