overall battery voitage是什么意思 overall battery voitage的中文翻译、读音、例句

overall battery voitage是什么意思 overall battery voitage的中文翻译、读音、例句

overall battery voitage在中文中有"总电池电压"的意思,还有总电池电压的意思,在线读音是[overallbatteryvoitage],overall battery voitage在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到34个与overall battery voitage相关的句子。

Overall battery voitage的释义


例句:A battery pack having a nonvolatile memory and a secondary battery cell is attached to the battery charger. (将具有非易失性存储器和二次电池单元的电池组安装到所述电池充电器。)


overall battery voitage一般作为名词使用,如在battery(①电池组②连续猛击 )、in battery(准备发射)、no battery([网络] 无电池;不带电池;没有电池)等常见短语中出现较多。

in battery准备发射
no battery[网络] 无电池;不带电池;没有电池
the battery[网络] 棒球伙伴;电池;野球少年
diffusion battery浸提器组
digital battery数位电池
dry battery干电池\n[化] 干电池组
drying battery化学干燥器
dynamo battery[医] 电机电池[组]


1. # While the battery dies # (翻译:天气亦不为你掌控 ? While the battery dies ?)

2. Battery powered, of course. (翻译:当然是用电池的 Battery powered, of course.)

3. This battery flew up and almost hit me. (翻译:这块电池飞起来差点砸到我 This battery flew up and almost hit me.)

4. I have enough battery left to get the data we need. (翻译:我的电池足够撑到我们计算出需要的数据 I have enough battery left to get the data we need.)

5. - Captain Rousseau, Battery Commander. (翻译:- Rousseau上尉,炮兵指挥官 - 是的,当然)

6. The storage battery is bng charged. (翻译:蓄电池正在充电。)

7. For reference, the Vahana battery is less than half the size of a Tesla Model S battery. (翻译:举个例子,瓦哈纳电池的尺寸还不到 一辆特斯拉S汽车电池的一半。)

8. If the battery gauge becomes inaccurate, you must recalibrate your battery. (翻译:如果电池电量变得不准确,你必须重新调整你的电池。)

9. Overall, the Tesla Roadster achieves a battery-to-wheels efficiency of 88%. (翻译:总而言之,特斯拉跑车达到了电池电力转为轮胎扭矩的比率为88%。)

10. The design review to go on development and current situation about battery , tell different pluses and minuses of battery originally. (翻译:本设计对电池的发展及现状进行了回顾,讲述了不同电池的优缺点。)

11. Rechargable battery - This tool USES the DeWalt 18 Volt XRP battery. (翻译:可充电电池-这个工具使用得伟18伏特xrp电池。)

12. Plumbous acid, nickel cadmium, nickel hydrogen battery combination pulse battery charger (翻译:电动自行车用铅酸、镍镉、镍氢电池组合脉冲充电机)

13. Like Overall and Benatar, Bryan Caplan believes that people need to think more rigorously about the decision to have children. (翻译:像Overall和贝纳塔尔一样,布赖恩·卡普兰认为人们需要更加严格地思考决定要孩子。)

14. He also wants the battery. (翻译:他是西班牙 的军火商,也想加入这个危险游戏.)

15. The study provides new way for designing Liion battery, especially the power battery. (翻译:该研究为锂离子蓄电池特别是锂离子动力电池的设计提供了新的思路。)

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