overdistended是什么意思 overdistended的中文翻译、读音、例句

overdistended是什么意思 overdistended的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:scalp laceration, multiple facial lacerations, a grossly distended abdomen, and an agonal breathing pattern. (下颌部头皮裂伤并出血,面部多处损伤,腹部明显膨隆,濒死呼吸。)


例句:Keeps happening over and over again. (反复出现好几次了 Keeps happening over and over again.)


1. Over mountains and forests and seas (翻译:Over mountains and forests and seas)

2. ♪ Somewhere over the rainbow ♪ (翻译:# Somewhere over the rainbow #)

3. Over rocks that are the steepest (翻译:over rocks that are the steepest)

4. The swelling was felt distended, elastic and tender on pressure. Fluctuation was also palpable all over the swelling. (翻译:肿胀摸起来有牵张及弹性感,按捺时有压痛。到处呈现波动状。)

5. - Seth, put it over there. (翻译:Seth, put it over there.)

6. And by fourth grade, I knew what a distended ileum felt like on palpation. (翻译:xx年级时,我凭触诊已知道 扩张了的回肠是怎样的)

7. "Oh, the box is tipping over..." (翻译:the box is tipping over...)

8. We have to get over there. (翻译:Viggo, the helicopters, right over there. We have to get over there.)

9. Through this incision, the abdominal cavity is distended with carbon dioxide gas. (翻译:通过此切口,二氧化碳气体把胸腔充得肿胀起来。)

10. The, uh, nightstand was knocked over. (翻译:nightstand was knocked over.)

11. After the marriage is over? (翻译:When? After the marriage is over?)

12. "And lay your leg over me Over me, do (翻译:# 骑到我身上来 快 # # And lay your leg over me Over me, do #)

13. His abdomen is distended, and he has a lot of internal bleeding. (翻译:她应该紧张 他的腹部膨胀 而且腹内大出血)

14. Patrick, you want to take over? (翻译:you want to take over?)

15. Over, over, and over again. (翻译:反反复复 一遍又一遍 Over, over, and over again.)

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