overflow port是什么意思 overflow port的中文翻译、读音、例句

overflow port是什么意思 overflow port的中文翻译、读音、例句

overflow port通常被翻译为"化、溢流口"的意思,其中文解释还有"溢出口"的意思,在线读音是[overflowport],overflow port常被用作名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到66个与overflow port相关的句子。

Overflow port的翻译


例句:DB2 UDB ran into a math overflow error. (DB 2 UDB碰到了一个数学溢出错误。)




例句:Now check /cdrom/ports/distfiles for a file with a name that indicates it isthe port you want. (现在检查/cdrom/ports/distfiles目录下是否有表示你想要安装的port的名称的文件。)


overflow port一般作为名词使用,如在overflow(溢出 )、overflow into(流向…)、overflow with(充满着)等常见短语中出现较多。

overflow into流向…
overflow with充满着
port to port码头到码头
in port在港内
the port口岸
to port向左舷
double overflow[机] 双溢流


1. Now check /cdrom/ports/distfiles for a file with a name that indicates it isthe port you want. (翻译:现在检查/cdrom/ports/distfiles目录下是否有表示你想要安装的port的名称的文件。)

2. The sparge of the sparge of elegant overflow and manage skin spring which good? (翻译:雅漾的喷雾和理肤泉的喷雾哪个好? )

3. Expand the HelloWorld port definition. (翻译:展开 HelloWorld port definition。)

4. The technology of caisson transportation by semi-submerged barge in Yantai port, Lanshan port and Xiamen port are introduced. (翻译:介绍半潜驳出运沉箱工艺在烟台港、岚山港、厦门港的应用情况。)

5. AK: In Port Elizabeth, the village outside Port Elizabeth in South Africa. (翻译:艾德里安 科勒:在伊丽莎白港,港外的小村庄里)

6. But Ikon has another string to its bow to help with production overflow. (翻译:但新名字,有另一个字符串其低头,以帮助生产溢出。)

7. The port is closing by order of King James. (翻译:国王詹姆士下令关闭港口 The port is closing by order of King James.)

8. But the bigger principle of what's happening behind Stack Overflow, I think, is incredibly exciting. (翻译:但Stack Overflow这个故事背后的更重要的原理, 在我看来是非常振奋人心的。)

9. - 1,000 yards dead astern. (翻译:-1,000 yards dead astern, going to port. -反方向转 -遵命)

10. Hands through the food port. (翻译:Hands through the food port.)

11. And thank you for the port. (翻译:谢谢你的波尔图酒 And thank you for the port.)

12. Cafe tables are situated outside on the front terrace, overlooking the Vieux Port harbour. (翻译:咖啡桌在前面的户外阳台上,可以俯瞰Vieux Port港口。)

13. Our jails overflow with men convicted... on confessions worth no more... (翻译:牢狱有人满之患 囚犯都因为被拷问至...)

14. We'd been docked for a week in Rio. (翻译:将港口上的人带上船的 on the ship when she was in port.)

15. Dad would take me down to port phillip bay. (翻译:爸爸会带我去菲利普港 Dad would take me down to Port Phillip Bay.)

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