memes是什么意思 memes的中文翻译、读音、例句

memes是什么意思 memes的中文翻译、读音、例句

Memes, 作为一种互联网文化现象,是指在人们之间传播的一种非文字形式的文化信息。下面将从三个方面展开说明:

1. 定义和来源

Memes是一个由英国学者Richard Dawkins在xx年提出的概念,是指在文化间传播广泛的符号、图像或行为模式等。在互联网时代,这个概念被重新定义为一种符号化的图片或视频,它具有简单易懂的表现形式,广泛传播在社交媒体等网络平台上。

2. 特点和作用


3. 文化影响



1. When you finally finish your work and it's time to relax. (当你终于完成工作,可以放松了。)

2. That feeling when you realize it's Monday tomorrow. (当你意识到明天是星期一的感觉。)

3. Me: I'm going to be productive today. Also me: Spends all day looking at memes. (我:今天要高效!还有我:一整天都在看Memes。)

4. When you find a meme that perfectly describes your life. (当你发现一个恰好描述你生活的Meme。)

5. Friend: Why do you keep sending me memes? Me: It's how I communicate. (朋友:为什么你总发给我Memes?我:这是我的沟通方式。)

'memes'是指一种文化现象,指代在社交媒体和互联网上广泛传播的图片、视频或文字等,在其中加入了幽默、讽刺或嘲笑等元素,往往通过分享和转发进行传播。该词源于英文单词'mimeme',指的是一种可以被复制的文化符号。中文翻译为“模因”,读音为“mó yīn”,如“这个meme(模因)太好笑了!”




例句:Two of the largest memes that have come out of this site some of you might be familiar with are these LOLcats -- just silly pictures of cats with text. (这个网站所推出的两大“谜米”, 其中一个便是有些人可能很熟悉的LOL猫咪—— 就是一些搞怪的猫咪图片加上标题。)


例句:How often have you seen these kinds of inspirational memes in your Facebook feed? (多少人在Facebook上看到过那些 心灵鸡汤的图片? )


例句:And he's not responsible for what I say about memes. I'm responsible for what I say about memes. (尽管他创造了它现在,它属于所有人他不为我说的负责我负责)


例句:As the memes evolve, as they inevitably must, they drive a bigger brain that is better at copying the memes that are doing the driving. (翻译:当迷因在演变,当它们难免必须, 驱使一个更大的大脑,能更好地复制 驱动的迷因。)


memes一般作为名词使用,如在kink memes([网络] 扭结模糊)等常见短语中出现较多。

kink memes[网络] 扭结模糊


1. And he's not responsible for what I say about memes. I'm responsible for what I say about memes. (翻译:尽管他创造了它现在,它属于所有人他不为我说的负责我负责)

2. As the memes evolve, as they inevitably must, they drive a bigger brain that is better at copying the memes that are doing the driving. (翻译:当迷因在演变,当它们难免必须, 驱使一个更大的大脑,能更好地复制 驱动的迷因。)

3. It's not the stacking of memes and gifs or articles with headlines that prove a point. (翻译:更不应该用堆满表情包和动图 或者带标题的文章来证明自己的观点。)

4. SB: Sink, toilet, yes, these are all memes, they're all memes, but they're sort of useful ones, and then there's this one. (翻译:苏珊:面盆,马桶,对,这些都是迷因,它们全是迷因, 但是它们算是有用的迷因。请看这个。)

5. We put the storage of memes out there on a clay tablet, but in order to get true temes and true teme machines, you need to get the variation, the selection and the copying, all done outside of humans. (翻译:我们将迷因储存在泥板上, 但是为了得到真正的技因和真正的技因机器, 必须要有变异,选择和复制, 这些都要与人类无关。)

6. So let me just point out : Memes are like viruses. That 's what Richard said, back in ' 93. (翻译:我想说的是:模因就像病毒这是理查德在xx年说的你可能在想:这怎么可能。)

:// (翻译://

8. In the last four years, we've seen all kinds of memes, all kinds of trends get born right on our front page. (翻译:因为最近xx年我们见到了各种各样的流行语 和潮流从我们的首页开始发扬光大。)

9. And I'd like to summarize these three lessons today with my own set of memes, with more of a poker-player twist. (翻译:我现在想要 从一名扑克玩家的角度 来总结一下这三个经验。)

10. As the memes evolve, as they inevitably must, they drive a bigger brain that is better at copying the memes that are doing the driving. (翻译:当迷因在演变,当它们难免必须, 驱使一个更大的大脑,能更好地复制 驱动的迷因。)

11. It's memes, videos, social posts. (翻译:而是以表情包、视频、 社交帖子的形式存在。)

12. Hallowed laws, regulations, standards and memes will evaporate. (翻译:神圣不可侵犯的法规、标准和文化基因都将不复存在。)

13. - There are memes of me being burned alive. (翻译:甚至都有人留言说要把我活活烧死 - 哦 哇)

14. So these are words that suddenly start to appear out of nowhere, so they're kind of, you know, memes that start taking off, that didn't have a lot of historical precedent before. (翻译:这些次不知从哪里突然冒出来的 好像随机显示储存的信息似的。却在历史上没有什么先例。)

15. So these are words that suddenly start to appear out of nowhere, so they're kind of, you know, memes that start taking off, that didn't have a lot of historical precedent before. (翻译:这些次不知从哪里突然冒出来的 好像随机显示储存的信息似的。却在历史上没有什么先例。)



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