oxidation reduction catalyst是什么意思 oxidation reduction catalyst的中

oxidation reduction catalyst是什么意思 oxidation reduction catalyst的中

oxidation reduction catalyst的中文解释是"氧化还原催化剂",还有氧化还原催化剂的意思,发音是[oxidationreductioncatalyst],oxidation reduction catalyst来源于英语,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到84个与oxidation reduction catalyst相关的例句。

Oxidation reduction catalyst的中文翻译


例句:Glucose oxidation via pyruvate dehydrogenase complex did not compensate for reduced palmitate oxidation rates. (通过丙酮酸脱氢酶复合物进行的葡萄糖氧化没有补偿棕榈酸酯氧化率的减少。)


oxidation reduction catalyst一般作为名词使用,如在oxidation catalyst([化] 氧化催化剂)、reduction catalyst(还原型催化剂)、oxidation and reduction(氧化还原反应)等常见短语中出现较多。

oxidation catalyst[化] 氧化催化剂
reduction catalyst还原型催化剂
oxidation and reduction氧化还原反应
oxidation reduction氧化还原作用
diesel oxidation catalyst柴油氧化触媒
irreversible oxidation reduction不可逆氧化还原
oxidation reduction cell氧化还原电池
oxidation reduction cycle氧化还原循环,氧化还原循环
oxidation reduction indicator化-还原指示剂


1. Subtalar joint calcaneus fractures are treated with open reduction and anatomical reduction. (翻译:所以累积距下关节面的跟骨骨折,需行切开解剖复位。)

2. There is a reduction in the overall arteriole number and subsequent reduction in circulation and capillaries that go with the arterioles. (翻译:在这些患者体内所有细动脉的数量减少并且随之出现循环以及和小动脉相连的毛细血管的减少。)

3. Reduction of acrylamide in food. (翻译:减少食品中的丙烯酰胺。)

4. The Zn modified catalyst has not improve the selectivity of catalyst for thiophene in model gasoline containing octene. (翻译:不同的金属离子改性表明:1。采用锌离子对催化剂进行改性,没有提高催化剂在烯烃存在时对噻吩的选择性。)

5. The optimal conditions for synthesis of alkali green 4 are reported, including the carbamide and zinc chloride as catalyst, chloranil and bichrome as oxidation agent in the acetic acid medium. (翻译:报道了合成碱性绿-4的最佳条件:在醋酸介质中,尿素、氯化锌为催化剂,四氯苯醌和重铬酸钾为氧化剂; )

6. Phenol oxidation and catalyst - sorbent ignition may proceed bt different reaction mechanisms. (翻译:苯酚的催化氧化和炭的催化氧化可能遵循不同的反应历程。)

7. The interlayered-oxidation zone sandstone type uranium deposits correspond spatially to the subzones of the interlayered-oxidation zone. (翻译:层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿床在空间上与层间氧化带各亚型的分布具有严格的对应关系。)

8. A kind of solid acid catalyst can be used repeatedly as esterification catalyst to synthesize iso-octyl salicylate. (翻译:选用一种能重复使用的固体酸作催化剂,复相催化合成水杨酸异辛酯。)

9. By using a series of oxidation-reduction the blue and red stains on Tsuga were reduced. (翻译:我们通过一系列的氧化一还原反应.来除去蓝变或红变。)

10. Using XRD and TG DTG technologies, the phase structure and reduction property of the catalyst are investigated and characterized. (翻译:采用X射线衍射和热重分析等手段分别对这种催化剂的物相结构和还原性能进行了表征。)

11. Selective non catalyst reduction (SNCR) is a mature technology for moderate NOx emission control on flue gas. (翻译:对烟气脱硝的选择性非催化还原技术进行了介绍。)

12. The internal donor is 1, 4-diether in this polypropylene catalyst, and this catalyst has some special properties. (翻译:通过对一种1,4 -二醚为内给电子体的聚丙烯催化剂进行性能研究,揭示此类催化剂的一些特殊性能。)

13. Study on the precursor phase composition of iron catalyst and discovery of FeO based catalyst for ammonia synthesis. (翻译:铁催化剂母体相组成的研究和FeO基合成催化剂的发现。)

14. Second reduction is slow-speed reduction on double reduction gear reducers and the intermediate reduction on triple reduction gear reducers. (翻译:二级减速时双级减速器的低速和三级减速器的中级减速。)

15. Some oxidants with enough oxidizing power were selected on the basis of their oxidation-reduction potentials, and the decolorization for MgCl 2 was investigated. (翻译:以电极电位值为依据选择了几种具有足够氧化能力的氧化剂进行了脱色实验。)

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