oxidoinflammatory是什么意思 oxidoinflammatory的中文翻译、读音、例句

oxidoinflammatory是什么意思 oxidoinflammatory的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:It's an anti-inflammatory. (看,这是4号甲氨喋呤. 它是抑制发炎的药物)


1. What all places could have ido, Mike because they came to Germany? (翻译:既然去哪儿都没问题 那你为什么会来德国? 告诉我麦克)

2. An unreasonable person talks senselessly, and a weak ox ploughs sidewise. (翻译:人无理说横话,牛无力犁横耙。)

3. Whatever comes, I'll love you, just as Ido now. Until Idie. (翻译:无论产生什么事,我都会像如今一样爱你,直到永久。)

4. Your mama's as healthy as an ox, and as dumb as one to boot. (翻译:哦,安静。你妈妈就像头牛一样壮 也还是个老顽固)

5. What's the "Ox-Li Party Conflict"? (翻译:牛李党争是什么? 回答我呀! 回答我呀!)

6. When you slow down for 15 minutes a day you turn that inflammatory state into a more anti-inflammatory state. (翻译:每天减缓行动15分钟 这种炎症 就能变成一种反炎症状态。)

7. Conclusion: Fu Fang anti-inflammatory and obtundent capsule for piles has an anti-inflammatory and repercussive function. (翻译:结论:痔疮消炎止痛胶囊具有一定的抗炎消肿作用。)

8. OxLDL causes endothelial activation and changes its biological characteristics in part by reducing the intracellular concentration of NO. (翻译:Ox-LDL可引起内皮激活,通过减少细胞内NO浓度部分地改变内皮生物特性。)

9. From that day on, the farmer would not flagellate his ox anymore. (翻译:从那天起,农夫再也不鞭打牛了。)

10. - Well, the ox is a sluggish beast (翻译:- 牛是种行动迟缓的牲畜 - 没错 但是很强壮 - Well, the ox is a sluggish beast.)

11. Inflammatory cells present in PVR demonstrate that inflammatory process plays an important role in PVR formation and maintain. (翻译:炎症细胞的存在表明炎症过程在PVR形成和维持中有重要作用。)

12. Others in the year of a Water Ox, 173 A.D. (翻译:其他学者则认为他是公元前水牛年xx年 出生的)

13. - Pulse ox 92 on ten liters. (翻译:- 脉搏血氧饱和度每十升92 - 他身体里有什么?)

14. I mark this cross of blood upon him, as a sign that Ido it. (翻译:我对他画上这个血十字,记下我的要求。)

15. You cannot flay the same ox twice. (翻译:一头牛不能剥两次皮。)

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