oyahue是什么意思 oyahue的中文翻译、读音、例句

oyahue是什么意思 oyahue的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:His face took on an unhealthy whitish hue. (他的脸上透出一丝病态的苍白。)


例句:Men and women of every culture, creed and hue constantly argue over their partners' opinions, behaviour, attitudes and beliefs. (不同文化、宗教和种族的男女们,他们常常为了对方的观点、行为、态度和信仰而争吵。)


例句:The punctate leaves were of a light green hue. (那些有小斑点的叶子是淡绿色泽的。)


oyahue一般作为名词使用,如在Oyahue([地名] 奥亚韦 ( 智 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Oyahue[地名] 奥亚韦 ( 智 )


1. The punctate leaves were of a light green hue. (翻译:那些有小斑点的叶子是淡绿色泽的。)

2. The plant is painted in the same light green hue used for most of JCB's other factories around the world. (翻译:工厂粉刷成浅绿色,和杰西博在世界各地其它大多数工厂使用的颜色一样。)

3. It tells the story of Lauren Oya Olamina as she makes her way through a near-future California, ruined by corporate greed, inequality, and environmental destruction. (翻译:它讲述的是劳伦·欧亚·欧拉米亚的故事, 时间是不远的将来, 她在加州求生存, 那里已经被企业的贪婪、 不平等以及环境毁灭给摧毁。)

4. The vendors of cigarettes, the owners and the manufacturers all, they made enough hue and cry that they would undergo the loss of crores. (翻译:香烟的卖主、业主和厂商,他们全部都疯狂叫嚣道他们会因此遭受惨重损失。)

5. His hair has reverted back to its original copper hue. (翻译:他的头发恢复到了原来的铜色。)

6. I fixed this by adjusting the Hue and "colorizing" the images. (翻译:我通过调整色调和图片颜色来纠正。)

7. The same hue will look different in different light. (翻译:同一颜色在不同光线下看起来会不同。)

8. Katy Perry opted for a vibrant fuchsia hue, which contains a hint of blue to brighten your smile. (翻译:凯蒂#佩里选择了充满活力的紫红色,载有一丝蓝色。)

9. To gild refined gold, to paint the lily... to throw perfume on the violet... to add another hue into the rainbow. (翻译:为纯金镀上金箔 替纯洁的百合花涂上粉彩 给紫罗兰的花瓣洒上香水)

10. Fruits with a red hue, such as tomatoes, guava, and papaya, contain lycopene, a reddish pigment and nutrients. (翻译:像西红柿、番石榴、木瓜等红色的水果,含有番茄红素,一种红色的色素及营养素。)

11. If the most beautiful hue of the blue whale is turquoise, then the most beautiful form, the finest sculpture, is in the flukes . (翻译:倘若蓝鲸最美丽的颜色是蓝绿色,那么它身上最优美的线条——大自然最杰出的雕塑,就是它尾部的叶突。)

12. Further, natural dyes tended to be muddy in hue and fade quickly. (翻译:此外,天然染料往往是浑浊的颜色而且它们很快褪色。)

13. Tinges the landscape with a golden hue. (翻译:它们给这片风景染上一片金色。)

14. They believe the lumps of pigment were heated in hearths to achieve a specific hue of scarlet and then used in funerary rituals. (翻译:他们相信,当时的人将那些颜料块放在火塘里加热,直到它们呈现一种鲜艳的红色,埋葬仪式中就用得上了。)

15. There was a healthful suffusion on their cheeks, instead of the ashen hue that had made them look so corpse-like. (翻译:他们有一个健康的矿井脸颊,而非铁青的色彩,让已经冲刷尸样。)

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