menstrual exanthema是什么意思 menstrual exanthema的中文翻译、读音、例句

menstrual exanthema是什么意思 menstrual exanthema的中文翻译、读音、例句

menstrual exanthema在英语中代表"月经疹"的意思,还有医的意思,在线发音:[menstrualexanthema],menstrual exanthema来源于英语,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到41个与menstrual exanthema相关的句子。

Menstrual exanthema的中文翻译


例句:They can reduce menstrual pain for 80 percent of women. (该药物可为 80% 的女性 缓解痛经, )


例句:Cold, depression, headache, hangover, varicose vein, menstrual, stress, (感冒,抑郁症, 头痛,解酒, 曲张静脉, 月经,精神紧张,)


menstrual exanthema一般作为名词使用,如在exanthema(皮疹 )、menstrual(月经的 )、exanthema circinatum([医] 环形疹)等常见短语中出现较多。

exanthema circinatum[医] 环形疹
exanthema desquamativum[医] 脱屑疹, 鳞屑疹
exanthema haemorrhagicum[医] 出血性疹
exanthema leprosum[医] 麻风疹, 麻风皮病
exanthema maculosum[医] 斑疹
exanthema papulosum[医] 丘疹
exanthema scarlatinosum[医] 猩红热疹


1. Adolescent health care is mainly menstrual period, menstrual cramps as the first menarche. (翻译:青春期主要是月经期的保健,月经第一次来潮称为初潮。)

2. Menstrual hygiene is a very important risk factor for reproductive tract infections. (翻译:经期卫生是导致女性生殖道感染 的重要风险因素。)

3. Picture 1 1 0 women with menstrual problems trying to play Rossini's Overture to The Thieving Magpie. (翻译:好女人会像大鸟一样 在这个落魄的男人上空盘旋)

4. So the good news about PMS is that while some women get some symptoms because of the menstrual cycle, the great majority don't get a mental disorder. (翻译:所以关于经前综合征的好消息是 虽然一些女性会因为生理周期 而出现一些症状, 但大多数的女性并不因此而患精神疾病。)

5. Women's ability to find the right word rapidly, basic articulation goes up in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when estrogen levels peak. (翻译:女性可以迅速找到正确的词汇,最清楚的说明事情 这种能力在月经周期中间雌性激素达到顶峰时提高 但是就算是在月经的时候,她们的表现都比普通男性好 )

6. It's just that I was in bed for serious menstrual cramps. (翻译:斯巴科尔... 斯办科尔... 斯普莉科尔夫人)

7. Therefore, the Arctic's Inuit women, in the long winter to stop ovulation, until spring when the resumption of menstrual Lai Chao. (翻译:故北极地区的因纽特妇女,在漫长的冬季会停止排卵,直至春暖花开时才恢复月经来潮。)

8. - I mean, are you two on the same menstrual cycle yet or what? (翻译:-我是说,你们两个 没有相同的生理周期还是怎么的?)

9. Oh, I don't know if I'm up for an evening talking about rainbows, unicorns and menstrual cramps. (翻译:我还没想好是不是要 整晚谈论彩虹 独角兽和痛经)

10. You know, soaking in our very menstrual blood and nocturnal emissions. (翻译:你知道的 浸泡在我们自己的经血... ...和梦遗之中)

11. This explains why, during the menstrual cycle, on high oestrogen days a woman can behave calmly and speak with near-perfect articulation. (翻译:这就解释了为什么在女性的生理周期里,高雌激素那些天中她能平静的做事,谈吐接近完美。)

12. Gynecology: Menopause barriers, menstrual cramps, menstrual flow, and milk secretion insufficiency, high prolactin hyperlipidemia. (翻译:妇科:更年期障碍、经痛、月经不顺、乳汁分泌不全、高催乳激素血症。)

13. Offers relief from premenstrual syndrome and severe menstrual cramps. (翻译:可缓解经前综合症和痛经。)

14. Menarche occurred at 13 years of age and the menstrual cycle remained within normal limits until the onset of menorrhagia. (翻译:月经于xx岁开始,一直到发生月经过多症以前,经期正常。)

15. It can take up to 2 years from menarche for a girl's body to develop a regular menstrual cycle. (翻译:女性从月经初潮到形成规律的月经周期大概需要xx年左右的时间。)

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