panax quinquefoliuss的意思是"西洋参、西洋参",在日常中也代表"花旗参"的意思,在线读音是[panaxquinquefoliuss],panax quinquefoliuss常被用作名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到73个与panax quinquefoliuss相关的例句。
Panax quinquefoliuss的词典翻译
例句:Conclusion: Panax polysaccharide could reduce the toxicity and adverse effect of compound fluorouracil lipid. (结论:人参多糖可降低复方氟脲嘧啶多相脂质体的毒副作用。)
例句:Objective To know the growth state of the Panax quinquef olium L. in Baoqing, Heilongjiang and to ascertain its best harvest time. (目的了解黑龙江宝清西洋参生长状况,以确定最佳采收期。)
例句:Novel fungicide SYP-Z048 25% SC, flusilazole 40% EC and Pyarimethanil 40% SC were tested on Fungicidal Activity in Controlling Alternaria panax Whetz. (选用新型杀菌剂25%啶菌恶唑悬浮剂、40%氟硅唑乳油、40%嘧霉胺悬浮剂对人参黑斑病菌进行了抑制作用实验和田间病害防治实验。)
例句:Now only the genus Panax can be called ginseng on labeling or in advertising. (翻译:现在只有属人参可以在标签或广告中称为人参。)
panax quinquefoliuss一般作为名词使用,如在panax(人参 )、genus Panax([网络] 人参属)、panax acid(人参酸)等常见短语中出现较多。
panax | 人参 |
genus Panax | [网络] 人参属 |
panax acid | 人参酸 |
Panax bipinnatifidus | 羽叶三七 |
Panax ginseng | na. 人参\n[网络] 人参;神草;亚洲人参 |
panax ginsengs | 人参 |
Panax japonicus | 竹节参 |
Panax major | 大叶三七 |
Panax notoginseng | 三七 |
1. Novel fungicide SYP-Z048 25% SC, flusilazole 40% EC and Pyarimethanil 40% SC were tested on Fungicidal Activity in Controlling Alternaria panax Whetz. (翻译:选用新型杀菌剂25%啶菌恶唑悬浮剂、40%氟硅唑乳油、40%嘧霉胺悬浮剂对人参黑斑病菌进行了抑制作用实验和田间病害防治实验。)
2. Now only the genus Panax can be called ginseng on labeling or in advertising. (翻译:现在只有属人参可以在标签或广告中称为人参。)
3. Objective To establish a limit test of benzene-series residues in the total-saponins of separated and purified by macro reticular resin Panax quinque folium L. (翻译:目的建立大孔树脂分离纯化西洋参总皂苷的苯系残留限量检查方法。)
4. AIM: To study the effects of panax notoginside on mice with pulmonary fibrosis induced by bleomycin. (翻译:目的:观察三七总皂甙对实验性小鼠肺纤维化的干预作用。)
5. Object: A cDNA encoding farnesyl pyrophasphate synthase (FPS) that is one of key enzymes in the synthesis of triterpene saponins from Panax notoginseng (Burkill) F. H. Chen ex C. Y. Wu & K. M. (翻译:目的:对广西中药三七主要有效成分三萜皂甙合成关键酶法昵基焦磷酸合酶的基因进行体外扩增、克隆及序列分析。)
6. Panax quinquefolius is a type of ginseng. (翻译:西洋参是人参的一种。)
7. Saponins of the rhizome of Panax japonicus var. bipinnatifidus and its significance of chemotaxonomy. (翻译:羽叶三七根茎的三萜皂甙成分及其化学分类学意义。)
8. Objective To study the role of zymosan in and the effects of total saponin of Panax notoginseng (PNS) on the formation of foam cells originating from peritoneal macrophages. (翻译:目的探讨炎症因素在小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞来源泡沫细胞形成中的作用及三七皂苷对其影响。)
9. Nitrogen nutrition of Panax quinquefolium Linne was studied by using 15N tracer technique. (翻译:通过15N示踪微区试验,研究了西洋参氮素营养特性。)
10. Triterpenoids from Panax Linn. And their relationship with taxonomy and geographical distribution. (翻译:人参属植物的三萜成分和分类系统、地理分布的关系。)
11. Objective: To solve the decolor problem of extracting from Panax Notoginseng Leaves. (翻译:目的:解决三七叶总皂苷提取中的脱色工艺技术。)
12. Limit Test of Benzene-series Residues in the Total-saponins of Separated and Purified by Macro Reticular Resin from Panax quinque folium L. (翻译:大孔树脂提取西洋参总皂苷苯系残留限量检查。)
13. Objective: The similarities and the differences among Perus Ginseng healthcare product, Radix Ginseng and Panax quinquefolium were studied. (翻译:目的:研究一种秘鲁产人参保健品与人参及西洋参的异同。)
14. Mitogen-activated protein kinases mediate the oxidative burst and saponin synthesis induced by chitosan in cell cultures of Panax ginseng. (翻译:丝裂原活化蛋白激酶介导脱乙酰几丁质诱导的人参细胞氧迸发与皂苷合成。)
15. OBJECTIVE To prepare the Panax Notoginseng Saponines (PNS) bioadhesive tablets, and to study their release kinetics and bioadhesive tablets force to rabbit small intestine in vitro. (翻译:目的研制三七总皂苷生物黏附片,考察其体外释药动力学、对离体肠黏膜的黏附力。)
panax quinquefoliuss作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、panax、quinquefolius/1、s等。