pandiculate是什么意思 pandiculate的中文翻译、读音、例句

pandiculate是什么意思 pandiculate的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:~ Late that night, I awoke from my sleep ~ (# Late that night, I awoke from my sleep #)


1. Worst Excuse for Being Late to Work goes to... (翻译:Worst Excuse for Being Late to Work goes to...)

2. A little late, North Wind. (翻译:来晚喽 北风特工 A little late, North Wind.)

3. He's in ICU right now. They're finishing up. I can take you over there. (翻译:他正在接受ICU治疗 现在快好了 我可以带你们进去)

there was trouble on the way So we arrive late. (翻译:there was trouble on the way So we arrive late.)

5. Are we going to be a little late to the gate? (翻译:现在说还不晚吧 We gonna be a little late for the gate?)

6. But before, in the ICU ward well, we had a little problem. (翻译:我们尽力抢救了病人 但是在列入重点护理以前 嗯,我们遇到了点小麻烦 - 你准备好了吗?)

7. Is it too late to get it sugar-coated? (翻译:来不及听好消息了? Is it too late to get it sugarcoated?)

8. Unfortunately, our instructions came a little bit late. (翻译:our instructions came a little bit late.)

9. The late Geoffrey Dickens, M.P. was attending a fete in his constituency. (翻译:前议员Geoffrey Dickens正在他的选区参加一个宴会。)

10. Little late for you to be calling. (翻译:已经有点晚了 Little late for you to be calling.)

11. Yeah, I know where I work. (翻译:Max今天得迟到了 Max is going to be late today)

12. Hospital said she was in ICU. (翻译:医院说她在重症监护室 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Hospital said she was in ICU.)

13. To try to turn back now it might be too late. (翻译:To try to turn back now it might be too late)

Willow, but we were too late. (翻译:but we were too late.)

15. "trying" being the operative word. (翻译:你经常熬夜吗 Did you often stay up late?)

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