例句:Stopping just long enough on the 26- foot- diameter oculus of the Pantheon to catch our breath . (在万神殿直径26英尺的天孔上停下休息刚够穿上口气来。)
例句:Adventure quests: Strat your journey as a captive hero and battle your way to the top. Become the hero of Rome in an epic struggle between the gods of the Pantheon and the power-hungry Telchines. (冒险任务:以被俘英雄为开始,通过战斗,获得最高的荣耀,成为罗马万神殿众神之一和渴望权力的泰勒刻辛精灵。)
1. Marquise had slept in it; Marat had rotted in it; it had traversed the Pantheon to end with the rats of the sewer. (翻译:一位侯爵夫人在里面睡过,马拉在那里面腐烂,它经过了先贤祠,最后来到了这老鼠沟。)
2. The komatiites were formed in Mesoproterozoic, in a tectonic environment of tensile crust, while ther ising komatiite magma was quenched a nd rapidly cooled. (翻译:吉峰拉马提岩的形成时代为中元古代,其形成环境可能是地壳拉伸减薄,上涌的科马提质岩浆在淬火 快速 冷却的条件下形成。)
3. If we would apply these codes and standards to the Pantheon in Rome, it would never have looked like this, because this beautiful light feature that goes around there all by itself can only appear because there is also darkness in that same building. (翻译:如果我们照这种惯例与标准 设计罗马万神殿的话 神殿就不会像现在这个模样了。因为这样美丽的光的特写 随着时间自然的围绕着穹顶变换 是只有在同一建筑里暗的存托下 才能显现出来的。)
4. It's more like the invention of concrete: important, absolutely necessary to build the Pantheon, and enduring, but entirely insufficient by itself. (翻译:它更像是混凝土的发明: 很重要、对建造万神殿 有绝对的必要, 并且让它持久, 但单独拿出来是没有用的。)
5. My dad said it was called the Pantheon, a temple for all of the gods. (翻译:我父亲告诉我它被称为万神殿, 一个为诸神而建的神殿。)
6. Out of your head, out of my head Ising. (翻译:不在你的脑海里,也不在我的脑海里。)
7. Right through the Piazza della Rotonda, in front of the Pantheon -- again wreaking havoc -- and finally getting to work. (翻译:你看他横穿罗通达广场, 在万神殿前弄得一阵鸡飞狗跳,终于到了。)
8. Someday, if you get the chance, perhaps you can take your kids to the actual Pantheon, as we will our daughter Kira, to experience firsthand the power of that astonishing design, which on one otherwise unremarkable day in Rome, reached 2,000 years into the future to set the course for my life. (翻译:某一天,如果你有机会, 或许你可以把你的孩子 带到真正的万神殿, 就像我们会把我们的女儿Kira 带去亲身体验 那令人震惊的设计所带来的力量, 这让在罗马本是平凡普通的一天, 延伸到了未来两千年后, 并为我的人生设定了方向。)
9. Jacques Chirac suggested a state funeral for him and perhaps interment in the Pantheon, alongside Rousseau and Voltaire. (翻译:雅克.希拉里建议为蒙蒂塞利举行一次国葬。他也许能葬在万神殿内,和卢梭和伏尔泰并排。)
10. This moment is a time when we are going to be taking place in the pantheon of film history. (翻译:今天,我们将在电影历史上留下重要的记号!)
11. Durga, the mother goddess, the fearless one, created by the pantheon of Hindu gods. (翻译:杜尔迦女神 无畏的神母 由印度诸神所创造 )
12. One is tempted to say that today's pantheon is the Internet, but I actually think that's quite wrong, or at least it's only part of the story. (翻译:有人禁不住会说,如今的万神殿 是互联网, 确认为这不太对, 或者说这最多只是故事的一部分。)
13. However, just as the technology of concrete was critical in realization of the Pantheon, new designers will use the technologies of the Internet to create novel concepts that will endure. (翻译:然而,就像混凝土技术 是实现万神殿的关键, 新的设计师们将使用互联网技术 来打造新颖,并且能够持久的概念。)
14. Burliness 'ising to cover up is also a beguiling beginning. (翻译:结实就是掩饰也就是欺骗的开始。)
15. However they all have their place in the pantheon of software development. (翻译:不管怎么说,他们在软件开发的诸神殿上都占有一席之地。)