pantellerias是什么意思 pantellerias的中文翻译、读音、例句

pantellerias是什么意思 pantellerias的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Salazar attacked Teller with a fire ax. Teller killed him with his own knife. (Salazar用斧子攻击Teller Teller用匕首把他刺死)


例句:Arthur Teller was my best friend. (Arthur Teller是我最好的朋友)


例句:Eliot, I need you to go to the Pans' factory. (Eliot 我需要你去Pan氏夫妇的工厂跑一趟)


例句:She works as a bank teller. (翻译:She works as a bank teller. 她是银行出纳)


1. Eliot, I need you to go to the Pans' factory. (翻译:Eliot 我需要你去Pan氏夫妇的工厂跑一趟)

2. She works as a bank teller. (翻译:She works as a bank teller. 她是银行出纳)

3. Pan and his forces are in tune with every grain of sand on the island. (翻译:- Pan和他的手下熟悉这岛上的每一粒砂)

4. Need to know where I can find Jax Teller's old lady. (翻译:我需要知道在哪里 能找到Jax Teller的老婆)

5. How did you know I called Gemma Teller? (翻译:你怎么知道 我给Gemma Teller打过电话?)

6. Indeed, if I were a fortune teller. (翻译:if I were a fortune teller.)

7. You know, we know Cammy took Jax Teller's boy. (翻译:我们都清楚Cammy 抢走Jax Teller的儿子)

8. Dead mechanic worked for Teller-Morrow. (翻译:被杀的修车机师 受雇于Teller -Morrow车行.)

9. You hit me in the face with a tray of apple pandowdy. (翻译:打了我的脸 {\3cH202020}with a tray of apple pan dowdy.)

10. And I know that Arthur Teller's death wasn't an accident. (翻译:我也知道Arthur Teller的死并不是意外)

11. We'll need it later, because Pan already knows we're here. (翻译:我们晚点用得上的 因为Pan已经知道我们来了)

12. ATMs, automated teller machines, had two countervailing effects on bank teller employment. (翻译:ATM,即自动取款机, 给银行职员的聘用带来了 两种相反的影响。)

13. This old man is a fortune teller (翻译:这个老人家原来是个算命的 他的名字叫命煞)

14. His name is Avram. Says he was Teller's best friend. Oh. (翻译:他叫Avram 说是Teller最好的朋友)

15. When I return the baby to Jax Teller, it's finished. (翻译:我把宝宝送还给Jax Teller 这一切都该结束了)



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