mental disengagement是什么意思 mental disengagement的中文翻译、读音、例句

mental disengagement是什么意思 mental disengagement的中文翻译、读音、例句

mental disengagement在中文中有"精神解离"的意思,还经常被翻译为心智抽离,发音音标为[mentaldisengagement],mental disengagement来源于英语,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到19个与mental disengagement相关的例句。

Mental disengagement的词典翻译


例句:There is also a growing culture of disengagement between engineering students and the public. (与此同时工程专业学生和大众之间的 关联在进一步疏远。)


例句:And probably the most important is you have to work on your mental skills, mental preparation. (然而最重要的是 你要学会控制你的意识力,精神力。)


mental disengagement一般作为名词使用,如在disengagement(脱离 )、disengagement area(蒸发面积)、disengagement cutting(抚育伐,除伐)等常见短语中出现较多。

disengagement area蒸发面积
disengagement cutting抚育伐,除伐
disengagement gear解脱机构;分离装置
disengagement lever断开[解开]手柄
disengagement theory减少参与理论、脱离理论
disengagement yoke脱开杆
moral disengagement道德解离
phase disengagement(周)相分离


1. This is a mental formation. (翻译:这只是大脑的构造 This is a mental formation.)

2. Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of. (翻译:精神病并不可羞愧。)

3. Results Opimization of mental diathesis can availably improve editors mental health status. (翻译:结果心理素质的优化可有效地改善编辑的心理健康状况。)

4. She's gone mental, Hermione has. Not that she wasn't always mental... (翻译:她发神经了 赫敏发神经了 以前只是在我们面前发神经)

5. And by the way, it's linked to employee disengagement, chronic diseases that impact your work and work-related injuries and illnesses. (翻译:顺便一提,这还涉及到员工离职, 影响工作的慢性病, 以及工病工伤。)

6. I handpicked them for you as an instructional and mental training. (翻译

7. In fact, the trend was for disengagement with the rest of the world. (翻译:实际上,当时的趋势是远离世界上的其他国家。)

:// (翻译://

9. communication,culture,depression,mental health,storytelling (翻译:communication,culture,depression,mental health,storytelling)

10. There are a lot of people with serious physical and mental disabilities. (翻译:There are a lot of people with serious physical and mental disabilities. 有很多人有身体与精神上的残疾)

11. "Look, the terrible thing about all the mental anguish she underwent (翻译:你看 这一切的痛苦 Look, the terrible thing 她承受的所有的精神压力 about all the mental anguish she underwent)

12. the spiritual reasons: schizophrenia, reflecting the nature of mental illness is often accompanied by insomnia and mental illness. (翻译:精神性原因:精神分裂症、反映性精神病等精神疾病常伴有失眠。)

13. I suppose you just failed to notice her mental illness? (翻译:I suppose you just failed to notice her mental illness? 我猜您没有仔细观察 Dorothy 的心理变化吧?)

14. I could either deny my mental illness or embrace my mental skillness. (翻译:我本可以拒绝 我的精神疾病 或者拥抱 我精神上的巧妙之处。)

15. Tapping or cutting through the bone of the skull to cure diseases and mental illness. (翻译:以环锯切开头骨 Tapping or cutting through the bone of the skull 治疗脑部疾病 及精神病 to cure diseases and mental illness.)

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