papalties是什么意思 papalties的中文翻译、读音、例句

papalties是什么意思 papalties的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Ties between our two countries, am I right? (两国间的联系啊 是这样吗? Ties between our two countries, am I right?)

例句:For a time, he traveled with the captain of the papal army, Cesare Borgia, as a military designs. (他曾一度作为军用设计师与教皇军队的船长蔡斯尔·伯尔嘉一起旅行。)


1. Ties, bow ties and cravats. (翻译:领带及领结。)

2. Christian has a lot of ties. (翻译:克里斯汀的领带多的是 {\3cH000000\fs20}Christian has a lot of ties.)

3. Salarymen shed their jackets and ties; (翻译:职场男士们脱下外套和摘下领带; )

4. So we're selling tickets to the Papal baths now, are we? (翻译:教皇的浴室现在只要购票就可以进来了 是吗?)

5. Martin Luther publicly burned the papal edict demanding that he recant or face excommunication. (翻译:年,马丁·路德公开烧毁要求他撤回或面临逐出教会的教皇法令。)

6. With convincing power he portrayed the usurpation and corruptions of the papal see. (翻译:他有力地抨击罗马教廷僭越权限和腐化败坏的行为。)

7. Full Papal Bow Fully prostrate, while kissing the runway. (翻译:罗马教皇式深鞠躬:完全卧倒,同时亲吻机场的跑道。)

8. There are vows, there are ties (翻译:# 有誓言 有约束 # # There are vows, there are ties #)

9. They all claim they broke ties with their leader (翻译:他们都声称在教主被判刑 且组织被定性为恐怖主义后)

10. Нis book on the poverty of the clergy isn't favored reading in papal palaces. (翻译:他关于教士的贫穷的书在教皇的宫殿不受欢迎.)

11. She ties him to the crime. (翻译:-她把辛普森和案子连到一起 -她已经没有可信度了)

12. Any ties to the Nazi Party? (翻译:跟纳粹党有过瓜葛吗 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Any ties to the Nazi party?)

13. Untie all ties: go to America! (翻译:丢弃所有的谎言把 一切都抛诸脑后 到美国去)

14. In case you're not aware of it papal autopsy is prohibited by Vatican law. (翻译:维特拉小姐 有必要提醒你一下 主教地位神圣)

15. Fancy suits, tie, shirts... I think you're right. (翻译:名牌衬衣 领带和西装 {\3cH202020}Fancy suits and ties and shirts.)

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