paraffin duck是什么意思 paraffin duck的中文翻译、读音、例句

paraffin duck是什么意思 paraffin duck的中文翻译、读音、例句

paraffin duck的意思是"石蜡防水帆布",还有石蜡防水帆布的意思,读音为[paraffinduck],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到99个与paraffin duck相关的例句。

Paraffin duck的中文翻译


例句:Hey, Duck, don't you have some vacation time you haven't used up? (嘿 Duck 你不是还有 没休完的假期吗)


paraffin duck一般作为名词使用,如在paraffin(石蜡 )、duck(鸭子 )、duck in(使…浸入水中片刻)等常见短语中出现较多。

duck in使…浸入水中片刻
duck into躲进
duck with用…回避
hard paraffin[医] 固体石蜡, 硬石蜡
linear paraffin直链烷烃
lining of paraffin[机] 石蜡衬里
liquid paraffin[化] 液状石蜡; 石蜡油\n[医] 液状石蜡


1. What's a frozen duck called? (翻译:Some people want diamond rings)

2. In essence, the problem is that, "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck" , it could be a dragon doing a duck impersonation. (翻译:本质上,问题是:“如果它走起来像鸭子并且叫起来像鸭子”,它也可以是一只正在模仿鸭子的龙。)

3. The latest technologies in paraffin removal and control in foreign countries are briefly introduced, such as paraffin removal by oil well tubing fillup valve, negative pres… (翻译:简要介绍了国外最新应用的清蜡、防蜡方法,诸如油井油管注入阀清蜡、负压冲击清蜡、井下就地产热清蜡、油井直接电加热清蜡和使杆管表面亲水防蜡等。)

4. Duck River Wood Mill in Mount Vernon, north of Seattle. (翻译:Duck River Wood Mill in Mount Vernon, 西雅图北面.)

5. DNA content and cell proliferative activity in paraffin embedded tissue of mycosis fungoides (翻译:蕈样肉芽肿皮损中DNA含量及细胞增殖活性的检测)

6. So that leaves one sitting duck. (翻译:所以就剩下一个目标了 So that leaves one sitting duck.)

7. Skin sections were made using paraffin microtomy. (翻译:用石蜡切片法制做皮肤切片。)

8. Leave the duck to cool down, then debone the duck and carve into serving sizes and serve cold. (翻译:将鸭待凉,然后去骨,切成适中的片状上碟,冻食。)

9. But next to the dead duck is a live duck, and please pay attention. (翻译:但是贴着死去的鸭子是一只活着的鸭子, 请各位仔细看 )

10. A refinery term for distillate oils containing crystalline wax before they are dewaxed to produce paraffin wax and paraffin oil. (翻译:在通过脱蜡生产石蜡和脱蜡油之前,含结晶蜡的馏分油的炼厂术语。)

11. This place will be a sitting duck for the Feds! (翻译:那些联邦军真是没人性 快些从正面跑道到街上 大人)

12. The dewax rate is controlled by the diffusion of paraffin wax in poly propylene. (翻译:蜡的动力学控制步骤为石蜡在聚丙烯中的扩散过程。)

13. So, end of the day, you duck under rationalization. (翻译:所以 说来说去 你还是躲在理性之下 So, end of the day, you duck under rationalization.)

14. Vang Ming: I know their mother is a duck A duck can swim. Can ducklings swin? (翻译:杨明:我知道它们的母亲叫鸭子。鸭子会游泳。小鸭会游泳吗。)

15. Well, pirates aren't known for their decency, Duck. (翻译:海盗可不是因为他们的礼貌而闻名的 Duck)

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