pararenal pseudocyst是什么意思 pararenal pseudocyst的中文翻译、读音、例句

pararenal pseudocyst是什么意思 pararenal pseudocyst的中文翻译、读音、例句

pararenal pseudocyst在中文中有"肾旁假囊肿"的意思,还有肾旁假囊肿的意思,在线发音:[pararenalpseudocyst],pararenal pseudocyst来源于英语,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到13个与pararenal pseudocyst相关的例句。

Pararenal pseudocyst的中文翻译


例句:Conclusion the cryotherapy is a safe and effective technique for the auricle pseudocyst. (结论该方法是一种简单实用、安全有效的治疗方法。)


pararenal pseudocyst一般作为名词使用,如在pseudocyst(假囊肿 )、pararenal([医] 肾旁的)、pancreatic pseudocyst(胰腺假囊肿)等常见短语中出现较多。

pararenal[医] 肾旁的
pancreatic pseudocyst胰腺假囊肿
pararenal fat[解剖] 肾旁脂体
pararenal tumor肾旁肿瘤
pseudocyst of auricle耳郭假囊肿
graft pancreatic pseudocyst移植胰假性囊肿
pararenal adipose body肾旁脂体


1. Pancreatic pseudocyst with fistula formation and leakage of the pancreatic fluid is one of the major complications of pancreatitis. (翻译:胰脏假性囊肿或胰管瘘管合并胰液外漏是胰脏炎的一种合并症;)

2. Large pseudocyst near the tail of the pancreas in acute pancreatitis. (翻译:急性胰腺炎患者在胰尾部可见一个巨大假性囊肿。)

3. Mediastinal pancreatic pseudocyst is a rare condition, causing pulmonary, cardiac or oesophageal symptoms. (翻译:纵隔胰腺假性囊肿是一种少见的条件,造成肺,心脏或食管症状。)

4. Well, I have to find a resident to do Webber's pseudocyst, or I'm not even gonna make it to trick or treat. (翻译:我得去找个医生 做Webber的假性囊肿 否则就赶不上发糖了)

5. We reported a case of an abdominal cerebrospinal fluid pseudocyst as a rare complication of ventriculoperitoneal shunt. (翻译:本篇报导一个脑室腹腔引流术后产生腹腔内伪囊肿并发症的罕见病例。)

6. Percutaneous puncture revealed a high level of amylase and lipase in the collection, confirming the diagnosis of intrahepatic pseudocyst. (翻译:经皮穿刺发现高水平的淀粉酶和脂肪酶在收集,确认诊断肝内假性囊肿。)

7. Results Pseudocyst of pancreas was the main complication of SAP after non-operative treatment. (翻译:结果假性胰腺囊肿是SAP非手术治疗后的主要继发病。)

8. Treatment for pararenal aortic aneurysm. (翻译:近肾主动脉瘤的治疗。)

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