1. La parasitemia disminuyó después de un tratamiento efectivo.
2. Parasitemia yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan kematian pada pasien malaria.
3. La parasitemia se evaluó mediante el examen microscópico de frotis de sangre.
4. Parasitemia adalah faktor risiko utama untuk mengembangkan gejala klinis malaria.
5. El tratamiento antiparasitario redujo la parasitemia en los pacientes infectados.
6. Tingkat parasitemia harus dimonitor secara rutin selama pengobatan malaria.
7. La parasitemia puede ser detectada con técnicas moleculares, como la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR).
8. Parasitemia yang tinggi membutuhkan tindakan medis segera.
9. La parasitemia se correlaciona con la gravedad de la enfermedad en pacientes con leishmaniasis visceral.
例句:Which is why the parasite is beginning to develop a resistance. (这导致了变异的发生、 这些病菌没有被杀死,反而产生了抗药性 )
例句:Is there something else... about me and my life I might want to know about? (Mia, the three of us have to talk.)
例句:To Juilliard. Mia, you did it. (你被朱丽亚德音乐学院录取了 米娅 你成功了)
例句:It is caused by infection with a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii, and an estimated half of the population carries the parasite. (翻译:是由一种名为刚地弓形虫的寄生虫所传染而来,估计全世界一半以上人口为此寄生虫携带者。)
1. To Juilliard. Mia, you did it. (翻译:你被朱丽亚德音乐学院录取了 米娅 你成功了)
2. It is caused by infection with a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii, and an estimated half of the population carries the parasite. (翻译:是由一种名为刚地弓形虫的寄生虫所传染而来,估计全世界一半以上人口为此寄生虫携带者。)
3. Here we are talking a parasite -- not a two-legged parasite, but an eight-legged parasite, of course. (翻译:我们说的是寄生者, 并不是两只脚的寄生者, 而是六只脚的寄生者。)
4. This is mia westlake. I want everybody to take another good, long look. (翻译:这是Mia Westlake 我希望大家再好好看看)
5. Do we know the father, or is this some Mamma Mia nonsense? (翻译:or is this some Mamma Mia nonsense?)
6. "my name is mia westlake. I am not hurt. (翻译
7. Mia told Clarisse her mother would be bringing her. (翻译:你该去接Mia公主了吗? Should you be going to get Princess Mia?)
8. (music) Here's what she said to me (music) (翻译:Mia 回家去 Billy? -Penny 他在这儿呢)
9. Thanks to Princess Mia's special surprise. (翻译:这是近年来最棒的一次游行 感谢蜜亚公主的特别惊喜)
10. If you people don't let me go right now, mia westlake will be tortured to death (翻译:如果你们不现在放我走 Mia Westlake会被折磨至死)
11. - What was that? - No, Mia. (翻译:{\r\fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080})
12. ♫ Mamma mia ♪ ♪ Here I go again ♪ (翻译:妈妈咪呀,我又心潮澎湃 [歌曲名: Mamma Mia])
13. This is verona westlake. This is mia's sister. (翻译:这位是Verona Westlake 她是Mia的妹妹)
14. So the parasite is a very big scientific challenge to tackle, but so is the mosquito that carries the parasite. (翻译:所以这种疟疾寄生虫对科学研究而言形成巨大挑战, 携带疟疾寄生虫的蚊子也如此。)
15. Claudio, you're so charming. (翻译:MIA BELLA BAMBINA 克劳迪,你是如此迷人)