parasitehost interaction是什么意思 parasitehost interaction的中文翻译、读音、例

parasitehost interaction是什么意思 parasitehost interaction的中文翻译、读音、例

parasitehost interaction在英语中代表"寄生物-寄主间相互关系"的意思,在英美地区还有"寄生物-寄主间相互关系"的意思,发音是[parasitehostinteraction],parasitehost interaction来源于英语,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到33个与parasitehost interaction相关的例句。

Parasitehost interaction的翻译


例句:And the object itself invited exploration interaction, consideration and touch. (这个书实物本身就引起了探索 互动 思考 和接触)


parasitehost interaction一般作为名词使用,如在interaction(相互作用 )、interaction with([网络] 相互作用;交往;交流)、the interaction([网络] 互动)等常见短语中出现较多。

interaction with[网络] 相互作用;交往;交流
the interaction[网络] 互动
dipolar interaction偶极相互作用
direct interaction直接交互作用, 直接互应作用
drug interaction药物相互作用
double interaction双重交互影响
ecological interaction生态相互作用
disharmonious interaction不调和的相互作用


1. Interaction mechanism of jamesonite with flotation collectors by cyclic voltammetry (翻译:用循环伏安法研究脆硫锑铅矿与捕收剂的作用机理)

2. The molecular interaction is the rudiment of theoretical calculation of matter function. (翻译:分子间的相互作用势也是物态方程理论计算的基础。)

3. We provide structure and discipline through interaction with nature. (翻译:我们通过和大自然亲密的接触 培养一种组织体系和纪律性)

4. The intergrain interactions can be distinguished as the long rang magnetostatic interaction and the exchange coupling interaction. (翻译:晶粒相互作用可区分为长程静磁相互作用及近邻晶粒的交换耦合相互作用。)

5. Erase this interaction. Confirm. (翻译:把此次交流抹除 确认 Erase this interaction.)

6. There is interaction of galaxies. We know this. (翻译:不同星际之间存在着相互作用. 我们了解这一点.)

7. Please limit our interaction. (翻译:请不要与我交流 Please limit our interaction.)

8. So after the interaction, we asked people to rate their quality of interaction with the technology, with a remote collaborator through this technology, in a number of different ways. (翻译:因此在互动之后, 我们要求人们和一个远程的合作者 用这种科技以不同的方式, 去评价他们与科技互动的质量, )

9. Limitless resource of vocal and facial interaction. (翻译:无限的声音和表情资源 Limitless resource of vocal and facial interaction.)

10. A neutron has no appreciable electromagnetic interaction with nuclei or with electrons . (翻译:中子与原子核或与电子并没有可察觉的电磁相互作用。)

11. Ankyrin repeat mediated protein-protein interaction (翻译:锚蛋白重复序列介导的蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用)

12. It is an interaction of personal, behavioral, and environmental triadic process. (翻译:它是个人、环境和行为三者相互作用的过程。)

13. - All I have to do is get through one more interaction with her when they come back for April's transplant, and then she's out of my life for good. (翻译:- All I have to do is - 我只需在 get through one more interaction 她们回来做April的骨髓移植手术的时候)

14. In addition, the interaction mode of ferrocene with DNA is discussed. (翻译:此外,还讨论了二茂铁与DNA间的作用模式。)

15. Interaction of DNA and Clomifene Citrate by Fluorescence Spectrum (翻译:荧光光谱法研究枸橼酸氯米芬与DNA的相互作用)

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