paratyphoid fever是什么意思 paratyphoid fever的中文翻译、读音、例句

paratyphoid fever是什么意思 paratyphoid fever的中文翻译、读音、例句

paratyphoid fever通常被翻译为"副伤寒"的意思,还有医的意思,在线读音是[paratyphoidfever],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到31个与paratyphoid fever相关的例句。

Paratyphoid fever的翻译


例句:She caught some of the big fudge fever. (我还觉得她可能是因为 大软糖一时头脑发热了)


例句:The child had a high fever and became delirious. During the fever, the child became delirious and said some strange things. (这个孩子在发高烧时说胡话,讲了一些奇怪的事。)


paratyphoid fever一般作为名词使用,如在paratyphoid(a. 副伤寒的\nn. 副伤寒)、paratyphoid A([医] 副伤寒甲, 甲型副伤寒)、paratyphoid B([医] 副伤寒乙, 乙型副伤寒)等常见短语中出现较多。

paratyphoida. 副伤寒的\nn. 副伤寒
paratyphoid A[医] 副伤寒甲, 甲型副伤寒
paratyphoid B[医] 副伤寒乙, 乙型副伤寒
paratyphoid C[医] 副伤寒丙, 丙型副伤寒
paratyphoid fevers[医] 副伤寒\n(paratyphoid fever 的复数)
paratyphoid infection副伤寒杆菌感染
paratyphoid sera[医] 副伤寒血清
paratyphoid serum副伤寒血清;抗副伤寒血清
paratyphoid vaccine副伤寒菌苗


1. Fever took her, started this last winter. (翻译:去年冬天时候 发烧去世了 Fever took her, started this last winter.)

2. Do you want a fever reducer? (翻译:您想吃点退烧药吗? )

3. My father has a very high fever. (翻译:我爸爸发高烧 My father has a very high fever.)

4. Conclusion CGG has more function of reducing fever, the mechanism of raducing fever is related to adjustment immunologic function. (翻译:结论柴葛清热颗粒有较好的退热作用,这一作用机理与其提高细胞免疫功能有关。)

5. Rickettsia heilongjiangii is a new species of spotted fever group. The disease it causes is heilongjiangii tick-borne spotted fever. (翻译:黑龙江立克次体是近年发现的斑点热群立克次体新种,由其引起的疾病为黑龙江蜱传斑点热。)

6. And the thrilling fever of the insomniac. (翻译:失眠症患者的颤抖发烧。)

7. My Uncle Jim had a high fever. (翻译:我的叔叔吉姆发高烧了。)

8. Zika fever: our newest dread disease. (翻译:寨卡病毒感染症 我们最新发现的重大疾病。)

9. No... but the fever... is back. (翻译:是这样的 还是有点发热 跟以前一样, 每天晚上都是)

10. If the fever remains low, its effects are mild, but as the fever rises, damage grows more severe and eventually devastating. (翻译:如果发烧的温度比较低, 它的危害还不是很大, 但如果发烧的温度升高了, 会带来很大的危害, 并最终导致十分严重的后果。)

11. The fever that comes with the infection is a sign that the body is fighting back (翻译:感染后接踵而来的发烧, 表明我们的身体正在反击)

12. Capable of reducing fever; antipyretic. (翻译:退热的能使高烧减退的; )

13. High fever is the initiis symptom of the diseottom. (翻译:发高烧是这种疾病初期的症状。中世纪字体。)

14. Global warming is the fever. (翻译:全球变暖就是发烧 人类就是病毒 Global warming is the fever.)

15. I will not remain standing inert in this fever of despair. (翻译:我不会在绝望的煎熬中仍呆立不动 I will not remain standing inert in this fever of despair.)


paratyphoid fever作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、paratyphoid、fevers等。

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