parent substance是什么意思 parent substance的中文翻译、读音、例句

parent substance是什么意思 parent substance的中文翻译、读音、例句

parent substance在英语中代表""的意思,在日常中也代表""的意思,在线读音是[parentsubstance],parent substance是一个英语名词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到32个与parent substance相关的例句。

Parent substance的翻译


例句:In an ideal world, every parent is a co-parent. (在一个理想的世界里,任何一个 父亲或母亲都是共同抚养者。)


parent substance一般作为名词使用,如在parent(父母 )、in substance(本质上, 基本上)、of substance([网络] 的物质)等常见短语中出现较多。

in substance本质上, 基本上
of substance[网络] 的物质
direct parent直接上代
donor parent供方亲体,授与亲体
disomic parent双染色体亲体
female parent母本
foster parent养父母\n[法] 养父或养母
helicopter parent[网络] 直升机家长;直升机父母;怪兽家长


1. Having an obligation to act as a parent (翻译:- The notion of the state 当子女需要特殊照顾时 having an obligation to act as a parent)

2. I was a single male parent. She was a single female parent. (翻译:我那时是个单身爸爸, 她是个单身妈妈。)

3. So, are you guys going to the parent-teacher conference tonight? (翻译:are you guys going to the parent -teacher conference tonight?)

4. And delivery of a controlled substance (翻译:以及发放受控药物 {\3cH202020}and delivery of a controlled substance)

5. The child lulled the parent, as the parent had erst lulled the child. (翻译:孩子在哄母亲,正象刚才母亲在哄孩子一样。)

6. Clay is a plastic substance. (翻译:黏土是可塑物质。)

7. Parent-teacher conferences. (翻译:参加家长会的是家长 Parent -teacher conferences.)

8. Julia Roberts: Pretending to be a parent is a cakewalk compared to being a parent. (翻译:朱丽娅·罗伯茨:与真正的母亲相比,扮演母亲是一件很容易的事。)

9. It sounds ridiculous, but the death of a parent can be a beginning, especially if the parent's loved. (翻译:听起来很好笑,但是父母的死亡就意味着新的开始 特别是如果是你很爱的父母)

10. To convert to a mineral substance; petrify. (翻译:这些矿物质使水有毒。)

11. This is an acrid and pungent substance. (翻译:这是一种辛辣而带刺激性的物质。)

12. Life and the universe compare to each other like a child and a parent, parent and offspring. (翻译:生命与宇宙 对比起来就像是孩子和父母 父母与子女)

13. Antitoxin is substance that acts against a poisonous substance and prevents it from having a harmful effect. (翻译:抗毒素是抵抗有毒物质并防止其产生有害作用的物质。)

14. I need a parent! Not a sister. (翻译:我要见父母 不是姐姐 {\3cH202020}I need a parent!)

15. Imagine what a parent will do for their child. (翻译:想象为人父母会对 自己小孩做怎样的付出 Imagine what a parent will do for their child.)

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