例句:Our jurisdiction begins at the Lodi border and ends at the Wahewa land. (我们的管理权限 从Lodi边界到Wahewa土地)
1. The top chief par excellence ayatollahs with all the dollars. (翻译:还有那些中东富得流油的宗教领袖 只有这几种人才会觉得安全)
2. Which would put their helicopters on par with ours in a heartbeat. (翻译:那他们的直升机瞬间就能达到我们的水平 不会发生的)
3. So it's on a par with the water supply or the road network. (翻译:所以它可与水的供应或道路网络相提并论。)
4. There par with Duan inkstone. (翻译:有与端砚齐名的歙砚。)
5. It's really a story of national interest that happened to go down in Lodi. (翻译:这确实是一个发生在罗迪市被全国关心的报道。)
6. Nollywood is Africa's mirror par excellence. (翻译:“诺莱坞”是完美地 映衬出非洲的一面镜子。)
7. They made an awful start, well below par. (翻译:他们做了一个可怕的开始... 低于标准杆。)
8. Or something like adaptation. (翻译:也不因会因循守旧 ou par conformisme.)
9. He was five under par after the first round. (翻译:第一轮过后他低于标准杆5杆。)
10. Everysurroundingtown from Stockton to Lodi has grown nearly 70% in the last two decades. (翻译:从斯托克顿到Lodi的周边所有城镇 在过去xx年里 增长了百分之七十)
11. They're processing H in Lodi, means they're running it through Charming to get to Stockton. (翻译:他们在Lodi加工毒品,这就意味着 他们要向Stockton出售毒品就得经过Charming)
12. This winter fills me with the warmth of the fires of my Lodi. (翻译:这个冬天让我感觉到Lodi节日上热情的大火)
13. The Mayans are setting up a bag-and-cut operation in Lodi. (翻译:Mayans帮要在Lodi 建立分装工厂)
14. Again! You'll end up emptying the country with all this pillaging. (翻译:派你们去把这个国家洗劫一空 Bien vous allez finir par le vider, ce pays,)
15. And Macon Woods is right on the Lodi border. (翻译:And Macon Woods 说的没错.)