例句:And Admiral Halsey has ordered Task Force 67, five cruisers, six destroyers, to intercept and destroy. (哈尔西将军命令第六十七特混舰队 计五艘巡洋舰、六艘驱逐舰, 前往拦截并摧毁该护航队)
例句:A human base on Meridiani Planum , now being explored by Squyres and his MER team, would be a good place to start. (而斯奎尔和他的火星巡回者任务团队正在探索的子午线地盘,会是个很好的起点。)
1. Juliano Mer-Khamis, Jew, Arab, actor and activist, died on April 4th, aged 52. (翻译:朱利亚诺•麦-哈麦斯,犹太人,阿拉伯人,演员及激进分子,死于xx月xx日,xx岁。)
2. 'cause seriously,mer, you'd have to have died of alzheimer's to fail this. (翻译:说真的 Mer 你如果不选这个 肯定是得了老人痴呆)
3. Until you tell Derek, our relationship continues to consist of hiding in the attic and me smuggling snacks past Mer. (翻译:他现在不太好 我觉得你该和他谈谈 我该和他谈?)
4. What can be realized in the vortex is the clearing of all that remains, the harmonic of love into all life journeys in Mer-Ka-Na. (翻译:在漩涡中能够意识到的只有对遗留下来东西的清理,在Mer-Ka-Na中进入累生累世的和谐的爱。)
5. The purified biliverdin reductase from cow spleen was a mono-mer protein with a molecular weight of about 34000. (翻译:纯牛脾胆绿素还原酶是分子量约34,000的单体蛋白质。)
6. They , too, got that type of nausea that we call seasickness and that the French speak of as mal de mer , or 'sickness of the sea . (翻译:他们也有这种类型的恶心,我们要求晕船,而且讲法语作为滨海误的,或生病的海洋。)
7. A contract is a contract, says Marjory Fields, a for mer New York judge now practising as an international divorce lawyer. (翻译:合同就是合同,马乔里•菲尔德说道。他曾是纽约的一位法官,目前是一位办理跨国离婚业务的律师。)
8. Mer-Bear did it on his own, and got a taste of the solo thing, and uh... (翻译:小熊熊自己去表演了 尝到了单飞的甜头 所以... Mer -Bear did it on his own, and got a taste of the solo thing, and uh...)
9. Kep-Sur-Mer was established in 1908 as a station climatique, a cool escape from Phnom Penh for French bureaucrats and their families. (翻译:xx年在凯普苏梅建起了气象站,这里也成为在金边的法国官员和家人的避暑地。)
10. The gaunt Muun bankers jealously guarded their world with an intimidating blockade of frigates and cruisers. (翻译:枯瘦的缪恩人银行家小心翼翼地保卫着他们的星球,他们用护卫舰和巡洋舰把麦基托严密地封锁起来。)
11. Admiral Deyo's 6 battleships, 7 cruisers, and 21 destroyers were already headed north to intercept the Japanese force. (翻译:德约上将的6艘战列舰、7艘巡洋舰和21艘驱逐舰已经向北行驶去拦截日军部队。)
12. "Enemy force composed of 1 carrier, 5 cruisers, 5 destroyers, sighted 250 miles from Midway. (翻译:敌军舰队 -艘航空母舰, 五艘巡洋舰,五艘驱逐舰 在距中途岛二百五十哩处被发现, 我们向该方向进发)
13. You know, several of our cruisers have told me they would love to share a bingo card with you, Marie. (翻译:-嘿 哈喽,我是在早上打桥牌的时候认识你妈妈的)
14. I am henri? Tte durand, logopediste in berck sur mer. (翻译:我叫亨瑞特・杜兰 我是贝尔克海军医院的治疗员)
15. Sunk or indefinitely out of action- three light cruisers, three destroyers, and eight battleships- (翻译:被击沉或重创美舰共计 轻型巡洋舰三艘 驱逐舰三艘)