particle phase的意思是"颗粒相",其次还有"颗粒相"的意思,发音是[particlephase],particle phase来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到35个与particle phase相关的句子。
Particle phase的中文翻译
例句:And locally there, you could build particle accelerators and learn elementary particle physics and chemistry, and so on. (在你所处的位置,你可以制造粒子加速器, 研究初级粒子物理学,化学等。)
particle phase一般作为名词使用,如在intermetallic phase particle(中间金属相微粒)、particle(①粒子②微粒 )、phase to phase([电] 相间)等常见短语中出现较多。
intermetallic phase particle | 中间金属相微粒 |
particle | ①粒子②微粒 |
phase to phase | [电] 相间 |
particle particle correlation | 粒子粒子相关 |
phase | ①阶段②相位 |
in phase | 同相地, 协调地\n[电] 同相 |
in phase with | 与…同相 |
phase ... in | na. 逐步采用\n[网络] 逐渐采用;逐步引入;分阶段引入 |
phase in | 逐步采用, 分阶段引入 |
1. The first phase is from 1992 to 1996, called Unmasking phase. (翻译:第一阶段是xx年~xx年,称为非遮蔽阶段。)
2. Tachyon particle pressure rising in chamber. (翻译:所以 无法探出更多的情报了 对过去视而不见的人)
3. Particle physicists and astronomers collaborate often. (翻译:粒子物理学家和天文学家经常合作。)
4. And locally there you could build particle accelerators, and learn elementary particle physics, and chemistry, and so on. (翻译:在你所处的位置,你可以制造粒子加速器, 研究初级粒子物理学,化学等。)
5. She was near a particle accelerator. (翻译:她接近过一个粒子加速器 She was near a particle accelerator.)
6. Going ahead and about to enter the second phase. (翻译:继续原计划 并且准备进入第二阶段 Going ahead and about to enter the second phase.)
7. A phase comparator compares the phase of the reference clock with that of the output clock and outputs a phase comparison signal. (翻译:相位比较器比较基准时钟和输出时钟的相位,并输出相位比较信号。)
8. The LHC is not just a particle physics experiment, it is the particle physics experiment. So what is a court to do? (翻译:大型强子对撞不仅仅是粒子物理学领域的一项实验,它就是粒子物理学科的实验,既然这样,法庭又该怎么办呢?)
9. Phase Gradient Algorithm for Phase Error Correction of UWBR System (翻译:用相位梯度法校正超宽带雷达系统的相位误差)
10. A particle that moves significantly faster than light. (翻译:一种移动速度比光还快的粒子 A particle that moves significantly faster than light.)
11. Let us compare the motion of any particle of the medium with that of a second particle to the right of the first. (翻译:让我们来比较一下媒质中任一质点和其右边另一质点的运动。)
12. And Quarks and Gluons will release enough energy to create... the Higgs Boson particle, The God particle. (翻译:夸克和胶子会释放足够的能量来生成 希格斯粒子,就是上帝粒子。)
13. revolution of which every new phase is contained, in seminal form, in the previous phase; (翻译:是包含每个新阶段的革命 从萌芽阶段 到前期阶段)
14. The mayor tried to get the factory to phase out their diesel generators. (翻译:市长想让工厂淘汰现有的柴油发电机 The mayor tried to get the factory to phase out their diesel generators.)
15. Focus until the energy washes over you, until you feel every particle of... (翻译:until you feel every particle of...)