particulars of offence是什么意思 particulars of offence的中文翻译、读音、例句

particulars of offence是什么意思 particulars of offence的中文翻译、读音、例句

particulars of offence的意思是"罪行细节",作为名词时有"罪行细节"的意思,发音音标为[particularsofoffence],particulars of offence在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到75个与particulars of offence相关的例句。

Particulars of offence的中文翻译


例句:A guarantor must specify the following particulars on the bill of exchange or on an allonge: (第四十六条保证人必须在汇票或者粘单上记载下列事项:)


particulars of offence一般作为名词使用,如在particulars(n. 细节, 详细情况, 详情\n[经] 细节, 摘要)、no offence((非正式)并无恶意, 请勿见怪)、no offence to(不要见怪)等常见短语中出现较多。

particularsn. 细节, 详细情况, 详情\n[经] 细节, 摘要
no offence(非正式)并无恶意, 请勿见怪
no offence to不要见怪
enter into particulars详述
gave particularsv. 详细叙述
give particulars提供细节
given particularsv. 详细叙述
go into particulars详细叙述
goes into particulars详细叙述


1. And an offence to pride, to Christian humility and common sense itself. (翻译:简直是对基督教所教导的谦逊,以及对常识 的一种侮辱)

2. Sympathizing with rebels is an offence against the crown punishable by death! (翻译:同情叛乱分子 是针对官方的罪行 判处死刑!)

3. My friend says that offence is not justiciable in a federal court. (翻译:我的朋友说那种违法行为不受联邦法院之管辖。)

4. - It is a dismissible offence. (翻译:- No, I suppose not. - It is a dismissible offence.)

5. Been acquitted of any criminal offence or other offence on the grounds of mental illness , insanity or unsoundness of mind ? (翻译:因为精神病、精神错乱或者思维不健全原因而被宣布无罪。)

6. They agreed as to the grand Outlines, but quibbled over particulars. (翻译:他们对重大要点表示同意,但对细节却含糊其词。)

7. He was encouraged to plead guilty to the lesser offence. (翻译:有人怂恿他供认犯了那个较轻的罪行。)

8. Huck waited for no particulars. (翻译:哈克不等着听详情了。)

9. Child abuse is a publishable offence in our country. (翻译:在我们国家,虐待儿童是犯罪行为应该受到惩罚。)

10. The particulars in poems are like the particularities, the personalities, that distinguish people from one another. (翻译:诗歌的独特性, 要从细节上去把握, 要结合诗人的性格去体会, )

11. She carried on merrily, not realizing the offence she was causing. (翻译:她毫无顾忌地胡闹,没意识到惹人生气了。)

12. A Field In England, or The Myriad Particulars of the Common Weevil. (翻译:英格兰 或一个领域中的无数详情 常见的象鼻虫)

13. The police officer took down all the particulars of the burglary. (翻译:这名警察记下了窃案发生的详细情况。)

14. Wandering with intent to commit an arrestable offence, ' he said. (翻译:我问。彷徨意图犯可逮捕的罪行,他说。)

15. Do you know this is offence? (翻译:你知不知道这样做是要坐牢的? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Do you know this is offence?)

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