pasted是什么意思 pasted的中文翻译、读音、例句

pasted是什么意思 pasted的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和含义:pasted是一个动词,表示将一张图像或文本复制到另一个文件或位置。通常指将图像或文本从剪贴板粘贴到另一个文档或位置。它也可以用于比喻意义,表示将某物连贯起来或将某物粘附在一起。

2. 简写形式:在口语和聊天中,人们有时缩写pasted为“p”或“pst”。

3. 用法:pasted可以用于多种情境中,例如:

- 指将文本或图像复制并粘贴到电子邮件、文档、PPT等文档中。

- 指将某物粘合在一起,如粘贴墙纸,粘贴海报等。

- 比喻意义,如说某个故事是由许多小的故事拼凑起来的,可以说它是由小故事粘贴组成的。

- 口语和聊天中,缩写的形式可以用于表示过去的事情,如“I just p'd the link to you”,意为我刚才给你发了链接。

4. 相关的表达:除了pasted本身,相关的动词和表达还有copy and paste(复制并粘贴)、cut and paste(剪切并粘贴)、glued together(粘合在一起)等。


1. She pasted the image into the presentation to illustrate her point. 她把图像粘贴到演示文稿中以说明她的观点。

2. My teacher often asks us to cut and paste different pieces of text to create a coherent essay. 我的老师常常要求我们剪切并粘贴不同的文章段落来组成一个连贯的文章。

3. He pasted the wallpaper onto the wall with glue. 他用胶水把墙纸粘贴在墙上。

4. The book is made up of different stories pasted together. 这本书是由不同的故事拼凑而成的。

5. I just pst the video link to you, check it out! 我刚刚把视频链接发给你了,快去看看吧!




1. She pasted the poster onto the wall.


2. I've pasted some photos into my album.


3. The kids got in trouble for pasting paper all over the classroom.





例句:No, the odd thing about this record is the label pasted on the upper half of the French Odeon label. (不,这个记录奇怪的是在法国国宾标签的上半部分粘贴标签。)


例句:They accompany me wherever I go in my life, and I fill them with all sorts of things, records of my lived experience: so watercolor paintings, drawings of what I see, dead flowers, dead insects, pasted ticket stubs, rusting coins, business cards, writings. (无论我去哪我都会随身带着它们, 并随时记录些什么, 写一些我生活的经历。水彩画,一些我随手画下的看到的事物, 干花,昆虫尸体,地铁票,生锈的硬币, 名片,随笔。)


例句:And so some researchers pasted a picture of someone's eyes over the sink. (所以一些研究员在水槽上 贴了一张人眼的照片。)


pasted一般作为名词使用,如在pasted blanks(糊制纸盒)、pasted filament(钨膏灯丝)、pasted granule(糊化淀粉粒)等常见短语中出现较多。

pasted blanks糊制纸盒
pasted filament钨膏灯丝
pasted granule糊化淀粉粒
pasted plate涂料[浆]极板
pasted grid plate涂浆式(蓄电池)极板
pasted valve type通型阀


1. And so some researchers pasted a picture of someone's eyes over the sink. (翻译:所以一些研究员在水槽上 贴了一张人眼的照片。)

2. I pasted your picture on the ceiling over my bed so you're the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning. (翻译:我把你的相片贴在我床正对的天花板上 这样你就是我早上起床最先看到的)

3. And lastly, I copied the tip of the finger off our original source and pasted it over the zipper's pull tab to situate the tab underneath. (翻译:最后,我再把手指尖的部分复制下来覆盖出拉链的拉扣,这样手指就搭在了拉扣上。)

4. Please send me a personalized email and not a copy pasted email you send out to everyone on this site. (翻译:请给我一个个性化的电子邮件,而不是复制粘贴您发送电子邮件发送到本网站上每一个人。)

5. Chinese market seems to be everywhere on the floor in Germany, China flooring manufacturers have their own face pasted labels in Europe. (翻译:中国市场上似乎到处都是德国的地板,中国地板制造商们纷纷在自己的脸上贴上欧洲的标签。)

6. The importance is what you do with the images, the statement it makes where it's pasted. (翻译:重点是你用这些 照片做什么, 贴在哪里,代表的是一种宣言。)

7. They all accepted to be pasted next to the other. (翻译:他们也都同意 我将这些照片挨个张贴在墙上。)

8. For them it's not much because the beautiful month of May is what I've pasted everywhere in their calendar (翻译:可是他们有 美好的xx月 可以贴近自己的 历史里面)

9. The cold wind reminds me of the arrival of winter. The dimness reminds me of the arrival of night. From dawn to dusk, a day pasted again. (翻译:冷冽的风让我意识到这已经是冬天,昏暗的夜色提醒我夜晚的来临。)

10. They tore down my poster, this is where I pasted it... (翻译:他们把海报撕了,这是我贴海报的地方...)

11. That night I pasted Buster's name and his number on my ceiling above my bed. (翻译:那天晚上 我把Buster的名字和号码 贴在了床上方的天花板上)

12. She has David Bowie, your all-time favorite musician, pasted on her undies. (翻译:她内裤上印着你最喜欢的 歌手大卫•鲍威的头像)

13. The importance is what you do with the images, the statement it makes where it's pasted. (翻译:重点是你用这些 照片做什么, 贴在哪里,代表的是一种宣言。)

14. And then I pasted huge posters everywhere in the bourgeois area of Paris with the name, age, even building number of these guys. (翻译:然后,我把大幅招贴张贴 在巴黎中产阶级聚集区, 照片下面有他们的姓名、年龄 甚至地址。)

15. New year is coming , families are beginning to hang red lanterns, writing couplets, and pasted "fu" word. (翻译:快过年了,家家户户都开始挂红灯笼、写对联、贴“福”字。)



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