password aging是什么意思 password aging的中文翻译、读音、例句

password aging是什么意思 password aging的中文翻译、读音、例句

password aging通常被翻译为"口令的老化"的意思,还经常被翻译为计,发音是[passwordaging],password aging在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到33个与password aging相关的例句。

Password aging的词典翻译


例句:As you've said, there's talk of my not aging, (像你所说,一旦有人 开始议论我的不老之颜)


例句:What matters is to understand that aging is curable. (重要的是要明白衰老是可以治愈的。)


password aging一般作为名词使用,如在password(口令 )、aging(变老的 变旧的,老化 变老,变老 老化 使 显老 使 变陈 的现在分词形式)、double password(双重口令)等常见短语中出现较多。

aging变老的 变旧的,老化 变老,变老 老化 使 显老 使 变陈 的现在分词形式
double password双重口令
dynamic password[网络] 动态密码;动态口令;动态密码锁
enter password输入通行码
enable password[网络] 密码;启用密码;口令
Forgot password[网络] 忘记密码;忘记了密码;忘记密码了
graphical passwordn. 图形密码
group password集团口令


1. Progeria caused premature aging. (翻译:一种无法治愈 不断恶化的致命疾病 a progressive, fatal, wasting disease. 早衰症导致她过早地衰老 Progeria caused premature aging.)

2. Here's to our aging, ailing bodies. (翻译:下面是我们的身体\ Nenvejecidos多病。)

3. Lamellar carbides are not formed during aging process. (翻译:层状碳化物不是时效过程中的产物。)

4. Aging is the neglected stepchild of the human life cycle . (翻译:衰老过程是人类生命周期中被忽视的非亲生儿。)

5. aging,culture,education,health care,medicine,self,storytelling (翻译:aging,culture,education,health care,medicine,self,storytelling)

6. All this "makes aging hard to escape," says Nam. (翻译:这一切‘让衰老变得无法逃避’宏捷楠说。)

7. The only authentication mechanism currently supported by Encina Connector is BASIC PASSWORD. (翻译:当前由Encina连接器支持的唯一的身份验证机制是BASICPASSWORD。)

8. Apricots: the Secret Anti-aging weapon. (翻译:杏仁是防止衰老的秘密武器。)

9. And the fundamental reason, I think, why we feel that aging is inevitable is summed up in a definition of aging that I'm giving here. (翻译:其根本原因,我想,为什么我们认为老化是不可避免的, 是可以用我在这儿给老化的定义作为总结。)

10. aging,biotech,genetics,medicine,science,technology (翻译:aging,biotech,genetics,medicine,science,technology)

11. Aging and not Commandaria dogs... (翻译:生活就是这样 还想怎么样呢! 只能如此了! 人一老)

12. The test employs aging oven and vernier caliper. (翻译:本试验采用老化箱、游标卡尺。)

13. Physically aging is unavoidable I guess, but... (翻译:我是觉得生理上的年老 是不可避免的...)

14. Aging could affect the meat flavour. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of aging on volatiles in meat of yak. (翻译:宰后冷却成熟会影响肉类风味,本实验研究冷却成熟对牦牛肉挥发性风味化合物的影响。)

15. I started aging faster than normal. (翻译:Silas把它吸走之后 我就开始快速变老)

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