patrimonially是什么意思 patrimonially的中文翻译、读音、例句

patrimonially是什么意思 patrimonially的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:He had acted heroical ly during the liner's evacuation. (他在班机撤退的期间表现得很英勇。)


1. Kasporio the Cunning touched his sword hilt. "If you would like to start the bleeding now, I will happ'ly oblige you. " (翻译:狡猾的卡斯伯利欧摸着他的剑柄。“若你现在就想开始放血,我很乐意为你服务。”)

2. Their daughter is quite plump but their son is positive ly elephantine. (翻译:他们的女儿很胖;可是儿子呢,简直像大象。)

3. SEM and EPM results indicate that cracks form at edges and corners of LY12 aluminum alloy's oxide film. (翻译:通过扫描电镜和电子探针发现,LY12型铝合金棱角部位阳极氧化膜产生了裂纹。)

4. A statement found in this book read: Van Ly Truong Sa is a sandbank rising above the sea. (翻译:发现在这一个声明书内容如下:阮文黎张庭选萨是一个沙洲海拔上升。)

5. Stabilization of the perovskite phase in PZN based ceramics is close-ly related to the type of additive and its amount. (翻译:PZN基陶瓷中钙钛矿相含量的多少与添加剂的种类及数量密切相关。)

6. "Four search companies have approached us over the past eight weeks, " Bit. ly's Borthwick tells us. (翻译:ly的Borthwick告诉我们说:“在过去八个星期当中,已经有四家公司跟我们联系过。”)

7. "Celebrities can be great influencers, whether they're on TV or tweeting, " says Arnie Gullov-Singh, 38, Ad. ly's chief executive officer. (翻译:“名人效应还是很明显的,无论是在电视上还是微博上,”Ad.ly公司xx岁的首席执行官ArnieGullov-Singh如是说。)

8. I was the sixth-born child Phung Thi Le Ly and I lived in the most beautiful village on earth. (翻译:我是家中第六个孩子... ...冯希黎里... 生活在世上最美丽的村庄里。)

9. LY: But we are working day and night trying to make this happen for the patients. (翻译:杨璐涵:但是我们已经夜以继日的 在为等待器官移植的病人 实现这个目标了。)

10. Loses all ly and win is all fortuity that the life experience with inevitable. (翻译:所有的输和赢都是人生经历的偶然和必然。)

11. AIM To investigate the reversing effect of LY980503 (a benflumetol derivative) on multidrug resistance of MCF/Dox cell line and its mechanism. (翻译:目的探讨本芴醇衍生物LY980 5 0 3对肿瘤多药耐药的逆转作用及其作用机理。)

12. Women may be better at sniffing out biological ly relevant information from underarm sweat, a US study suggests. (翻译:美国一项研究显示,女性通过腋下气味识别生物性相关信息的能力很可能更强。)

13. The base of scion is cut diagonal ly to expose a large oval of cambium. (翻译:接穗的基部被切成斜形,暴露出椭圆形的大圈形成层。)

14. Design jsa social-ly conscous activity. (翻译:设计是项关注社会的行为。)

15. This is Tam Ly our resident Tsunami expert. Sent by the Gods. (翻译:她叫李态美,是上天派来的 她是我校的常驻海啸专家)

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