payments surplus是什么意思 payments surplus的中文翻译、读音、例句

payments surplus是什么意思 payments surplus的中文翻译、读音、例句

payments surplus在英语中代表"国际收支盈余"的意思,其次还有"国际收支盈余"的意思,发音是[paymentssurplus],payments surplus是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到82个与payments surplus相关的例句。

Payments surplus的释义


例句:How would you describe these payments? (你怎么形容合同的支付款项? How would you describe these payments?)


payments surplus一般作为名词使用,如在payments(n. 惩罚;薪资;支付;付款(payment的复数形式))、disability payments(残废救济金)、down payments(na. 分期付款的首次交款\n[网络] 首付定金;支付更多的首付;首付比例)等常见短语中出现较多。

paymentsn. 惩罚;薪资;支付;付款(payment的复数形式)
disability payments残废救济金
down paymentsna. 分期付款的首次交款\n[网络] 首付定金;支付更多的首付;首付比例
easy paymentsun. 分期付款
divided paymentsn. 分期付款
equation of payments[经] 平均分期摊付法
entitlement payments公民权利性付款
enabling payments奖励酬金
exchange payments外币付款


1. And she makes them so they could either be broken up into payments, or they could be like these, which are leaves that can be payments. (翻译:她把它们做出来,因此它们既可以拆开用于付款, 或是像这些,这些叶子能用于付款。)

2. Payroll and payments due — The payables form. (翻译:薪金册和应付款——可支付表单。)

3. For Tuesdays, blue with a slight surplus anthracite. (翻译:周二 则是有点像乌鸦翅膀的蓝色 celui du mardi, un bleu légèrement aile de corbeau,)

4. - He's on the bookies' payroll. (翻译:He receives payments.)

5. Wheat was in surplus that year. (翻译:那xx年小麦过剩。)

6. He has me send payments to this account. (翻译:他让我把酬劳打进这个账户 你们管账的人能查出来)

7. If there is any surplus after deducting the amounts in the above three clauses, the mortgagee shall pay over the surplus to the mortgagor. (翻译:扣除上述三项款额后,如有余款,承押人应将余款交付抵押人。)

8. It was only the laughably small payments that caused problems. (翻译:导致问题的原因是报酬实在少得可笑。)

9. Surplus snowfall is essential for a glacier to develop. (翻译:过剩的降雪是冰川形成的必要条件。)

10. The company processes payments through POS devices. (翻译:公司通过 POS 设备处理付款。)

11. She's fallen behind with the payments. (翻译:她已经拖欠付款了。)

12. And she makes them so they could either be broken up into payments, or they could be like these, which are leaves that can be payments. (翻译:她把它们做出来,因此它们既可以拆开用于付款, 或是像这些,这些叶子能用于付款。)

13. I could arrange easy payments and a substantial discount? (翻译:我可以安排轻松的付款方式 和优厚的折扣付款)

14. Then they had better do it and decrease the surplus population. (翻译:那他们最好赶快死一死 好减少一下过剩的人口)

15. It appears certain payments have been made. (翻译:似乎已经支付了一定的报酬 It appears certain payments have been made.)

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