pectoral ridge是什么意思 pectoral ridge的中文翻译、读音、例句

pectoral ridge是什么意思 pectoral ridge的中文翻译、读音、例句

pectoral ridge在中文中有"大结节嵴、医"的意思,在英美地区还有"胸肌嵴"的意思,读音为[pectoralridge],pectoral ridge来源于英语,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到54个与pectoral ridge相关的句子。

Pectoral ridge的词典翻译


例句:So Blackwater Ridge doesn't get a lot of traffic. Local campers mostly. (Black Water Ridge 没有什么人 主要是些来露营的)


例句:The lookout over at Harvey Ridge. (哈维岭的瞭望台 The lookout over at Harvey Ridge.)


例句:It's long, fixed pectoral fins enable it to soar through the water, with the least expenditure of energy. (它的长长的垂直的胸鳍 可以让它花费很小的力量在水里巡游)


pectoral ridge一般作为名词使用,如在ridge(①垄②山脊 )、endothoracic pectoral(胸肌膜)、pectoral appendage(胸肢;前肢)等常见短语中出现较多。

endothoracic pectoral胸肌膜
pectoral appendage胸肢;前肢
pectoral archna. 【动,解】肩带
pectoral arches=pectoral girdle
pectoral artery胸动脉
pectoral branch胸肌支
pectoral branches胸肌支
pectoral cross(主教等戴在胸前的)金十字架; 胸十字


1. It's long, fixed pectoral fins enable it to soar through the water, with the least expenditure of energy. (翻译:它的长长的垂直的胸鳍 可以让它花费很小的力量在水里巡游)

2. Get all the survivors to Ridge 315. (翻译:躲开夏江里的主攻 剩下的兵力 全部转移到315山脊 然后撤离)

3. Standby to attack along Hakang ridge. (翻译:申日荣 在夏江里五部山脊 跟一个小队攻击待命)

4. You boys aren't planning to go out near Blackwater Ridge by any chance? (翻译:你们俩不会碰巧要去Black Water Ridge 吧)

5. ... todestroytherealRock Ridge, they'll destroy the fake Rock Ridge. (翻译:破坏真的石脊镇的时候, 他们实际破坏的是假的)

6. A gentle rubbing of the pectoral fin is an affectionate gesture that I see again and again. (翻译:鳍部的轻轻磨擦 便是它们表示亲密的一种方式)

7. Elongated mostly scaleless marine fishes with large pectoral fins and reduced pelvic fins. (翻译:多数细长的无鳞海水鱼,有大的胸鳍和退化的腹鳍。)

8. With their long pectoral flippers, they can outmaneuver fast-moving prey. (翻译:依靠它们长长的胸鳍... 他们能够赶超移动迅速的猎物们)

9. The flooding tunnel is over that ridge. (翻译:翻过山脊就是导流洞了 The flooding tunnel is over that ridge.)

10. - This is Rubber Band Ridge. (翻译:- This is Rubber Band Ridge.)

11. I'm a senior research scientist with the oak Ridge national laboratory in oak Ridge, Tennessee. (翻译:我是一个高级研究科学家 与橡树岭 国家实验室 在田纳西州橡树岭。)

12. So Blackwater Ridge is pretty remote. (翻译:这个Black Water Ridge 真的是太偏僻了)

13. (bree speaks indistinctly) (翻译:Orson Hodge收 Sogomoce大街Clo Ela Ridge精神病院)

14. In the winter, when we would go to Carson Springs, it's where we'd stay-- Stoney Ridge. (翻译:冬季我们去Carson Springs 会待在Stoney Ridge)

15. Run from the ridge across and outside that hill. (翻译:越过山脊直至丘陵后背 Run from the ridge across and outside that hill.)

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