pedicularis dielsiana是什么意思 pedicularis dielsiana的中文翻译、读音、例句

pedicularis dielsiana是什么意思 pedicularis dielsiana的中文翻译、读音、例句

pedicularis dielsiana在中文中有"第氏马先蒿"的意思,其次还有"第氏马先蒿"的意思,在线发音:[pedicularisdielsiana],pedicularis dielsiana是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到10个与pedicularis dielsiana相关的句子。

Pedicularis dielsiana的释义


例句:A brief introduction of the general procedure and specific requirement for boiler in the PED Directive is state in the article. (本文简要介绍了锅炉的PED认证的一般程序和PED指令中对于锅炉的一些特殊要求。)


pedicularis dielsiana一般作为名词使用,如在Pedicularis dielsiana(n. 第氏马先蒿)、dielsiana([网络] 尾叶樱;尾叶樱桃;昆明鸡血藤)、Hydrocotyle dielsiana(n. 裂叶天胡荽)等常见短语中出现较多。

Pedicularis dielsianan. 第氏马先蒿
dielsiana[网络] 尾叶樱;尾叶樱桃;昆明鸡血藤
Hydrocotyle dielsianan. 裂叶天胡荽
Leptodermis dielsianan. 丽江野丁香
Millettia dielsianan. 香花崖豆藤
Prunus dielsiana[网络] 野樱桃
Rhodiola dielsianan. 川西红景天
Saussurea dielsianan. 狭头风毛菊
Saxifraga dielsianan. 川西虎耳草
Stephania dielsianan. 血散薯


1. And perhaps, says Diels, we'll be able to confront some other meteorological menaces. (翻译:迪尔斯说,也许我们还可以与其它气象危害相对抗。)

2. They've wired them like patients in an ICU. (翻译:他们将树像重症护理病房的病人一样用铁丝环绕起来。)

3. Result: The death risk was positive correlated with blood lactic acid level among these patients in SICU. (翻译:结果:外科ICU危重病人的死亡危险性与血乳酸水平呈正相关;)

4. The router has a range of unique IP addresses given to the company by IANA. (翻译:这个路由器有一段由IANA分配给这家公司的唯一IP地址。)

5. Diels is trying to cut down the size and says that a laser around the size of a small table is in the offing. (翻译:迪埃尔斯正试图缩小尺寸,他说一种小桌子大小的激光即将问世。)

6. And of course the DoC contract with IANA remains in effect. (翻译:然而,我们别忘了美国商务部和IANA的合同仍然有效。)

7. IANA has actually set aside specific ranges of IP addresses for use as non-routable internal network addresses. (翻译:IANA事实上专门给不可路由的网络指定了一段IP地址。)

8. Few communicate more musically ... than lar gibbons in the forests of Thailand. (翻译:泰国森林里的白手长臂猿 可说是灵长类中音律沟通的高手)

9. PED's could be used to determine the incidence of taxes and the demand response to the increase prices. (翻译:承压设备指令用于支配税收的影响范围和价格上涨的需求的反应。)

10. Your sentimental speeches and your cornball patriotism they don't work on me anymore, Lar, because I don't believe you. (翻译:你那多愁善感的说辞和可笑的爱国精神 它们对我不再有用 Lar 因为我不再相信你了)

11. He's in ICU right now. They're finishing up. I can take you over there. (翻译:他正在接受ICU治疗 现在快好了 我可以带你们进去)

12. Intensive ICU treatment, including mechanical ventilation, did not lead to recovery. (翻译:密集的加护病房治疗,其中包括机械通气,并没有导致复苏。)

13. No, Riordan's cabbage from this morning, he's in the ICU bleeding. (翻译:不是 是今早开始Riordan的班 他本该在加护病房输血)

14. Through the above research, it provide scientific basis for further development and utilization of Zingiber striolatum Diels. (翻译:通过以上研究,为进一步开发利用襄荷这一丰富的野生蔬菜资源提供科学依据。)

15. Overall safety of the octreotide implant and octreotide lar were similar. (翻译:奥曲肽植入物的整体安全性与奥曲肽类似物相似。)

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