peel off operator是什么意思 peel off operator的中文翻译、读音、例句

peel off operator是什么意思 peel off operator的中文翻译、读音、例句

peel off operator在中文中有"删除运算符"的意思,其中文解释还有"计"的意思,发音音标为[peeloffoperator],peel off operator在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到83个与peel off operator相关的例句。

Peel off operator的中文翻译


例句:At last Chloe is able to grip the edge with her tweezers and peel it off like a glove from a finger. (最终,可儿用镊子钳住了“帽子”的边缘,就好像从一根手指上脱下手套一般将它剥离。)


例句:Hey, do you want to peel the plastic off with me? (你要不要跟我一起揭开贴膜 Hey, do you want to peel the plastic off with me?)


peel off operator一般作为名词使用,如在peel off(飞机离队俯冲目标, 飞机离队降落)、peel off pack([化] 剥离型面膜)、peel(果皮)等常见短语中出现较多。

peel off飞机离队俯冲目标, 飞机离队降落
peel off pack[化] 剥离型面膜
peel it使劲跑
peel or离队
NOT operator[计] "非"算符
OR operator[计] 或算符
the operator[电影]生死连线
dried peel果皮干


1. You know, Dad says when it happens, the earth's gonna peel like an orange but the peel is made out of fire. (翻译:我爸爸说,当地球停止转动。一切都将死去,死去。树木会燃烧成火。)

2. The value elements that are combined with an operator are called operands of that operator. (翻译:与运算符组合在一起的值元素称为该运算符的操作数。)

3. What I'm going to do is I'm going to peel off all the skin, muscles and bones, just to see a few internal organs. (翻译:现在我要做的 是剥去皮肤,肌肉和骨头 仅仅为了观摩一些内部器官 )

4. The walls have begun to peel. (翻译:墙壁开始破皮了。)

5. So peel by peel, you take away the layers of the onion to get at some fundamental kernel of truth. (翻译:一层一层地,你一点点剥开洋葱的外皮, 去了解其中的核心真相。)

6. Life is like an onion: you peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep. (Carl Sandburg). (翻译:生活像一头洋葱:你只能一层一层地把它剥开,有时你还得流泪。——卡尔·桑德堡。)

7. I peel back the layers and expose it. (翻译:不论物品制作得精良与否,我都如实的展现出来 )

8. Objective: To study the constituents of Citrus grandis peel. (翻译:目的:对胡柚皮中黄酮类成分进行研究。)

9. The lure ofstock options and independence... inspired many of the brilliant young engineers... to peel off and start their own companies. (翻译:认股权和独立性的诱惑 启发了许多才华横溢的年轻工程师 他们果断辞职,创建了自己的公司)

10. All alone, McMug put the orange peel into the garbage. (翻译:没有人在的时候,麦唛把橙皮放进垃圾箱里。)

11. We've done the same with one of these peel-off stickers, it goes right on the file folder. (翻译:同样我们把已经处理完的文件 放回正确的文件夹上)

12. I'd peel potatoes and put them on to boil. (翻译:我会削土豆皮,然后把它们煮了。)

13. The operator will put you through. (翻译:接线员将为你接通电话。)

14. The return type and parameter types of an operator must be at least as accessible as the operator itself. (翻译:运算符的返回类型和参数类型必须至少与运算符本身具有同样的可访问性。)

15. I mean, you always peel one layer off another; we think of them as pages, doing it a certain way. (翻译:你总是一层层地剥开来-- 一页页书,某种程度上是在“剥”。)

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