pelky是什么意思 pelky的中文翻译、读音、例句

pelky是什么意思 pelky的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Place eof Birth: Ashland, KY, Kentucky. (出生地:亚什兰,肯塔基州,肯塔基基。)

例句:We've made Marshall Ky in Vietnam a very nice offer. (我们给越南的马绍雨.基开了个很优厚的条件)


1. I want a pen pel in China. (翻译:我想在中国交一个笔友。)

2. My mother sold snails for a while in Danang but soon gave up and returned to Ky La. (翻译:妈在岘港卖过蜗牛 但很快就作罢,回到岐萝)

3. Lexmark said that it intended to keep its company headquarters in Lexington, Ky., and that Mr. Rooke would remain in his current role. (翻译:利盟表示,公司打算保留肯塔基州列克星敦的总部,鲁克也将继续担任目前的职位。)

4. Diana Ray of Danville, Ky. , is familiar with the negative effects of soda addiction. (翻译:肯塔基州丹维尔市的黛安娜雷很熟悉苏打水成瘾的副作用。)

5. This was the first time that world saw Pel. (翻译:这也是贝利第一次在全世界亮相。)

6. "Then the enemy split into two groups, " the colonel from Louisville, Ky. , said. (翻译:“然后就把敌人分成两半了,”来自肯塔基州的路易斯维尔陆军上校说。)

7. Listen, Nicky may be a strong, independent woman on the outside but on the inside, she's just a girl wanting to be loved by her man. (翻译:尼克ky也许表面是个坚强的女性 但她内心深处她还是个希望被爱的小女孩)

8. For subpixel precision, it supports quarter-pel motion vectors with a 6-tap interpolation filter. (翻译:对于亚像素精度,它支持与六抽头插值滤波器四分之一像素运动矢量。)

9. "To the czars I say, Nyet," Rep. Harold Rogers (R-Ky.) said in support of the amendment. (翻译:“我对垄断者说不”代表人哈罗德·罗杰斯在支持修正案时说。)

10. We tend to be in quite remote places and the best way to make an animatronic drool is to use KY Jelly. (翻译:我们身处的可是很偏僻的地方 所以弄口水时就唯有选用人体润滇剂)

11. Reid, D-Nev. , said he had invited Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. , to join him in negotiations. (翻译:里德,丁峰说,他曾邀请美国参议院少数党领袖麦康奈尔,R-KY,他参加谈判。)

12. Following the Chinese retreat, Vietnamese in Lang Son province ford the Ky Cuong River on makeshift pontoon rafts, as the existing bridge sits collapsed. (翻译:在中国撤军后,谅山的越南人在祈纲河上架起临时的木筏,因为现存的桥梁已经垮塌。)

13. Oh, my God, when am I going to put one foot right? (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei}我天! 是不是我说什么都是ky?)

14. "To the czars I say, Nyet, " Rep. Harold Rogers (R-Ky. ) said in support of the amendment. (翻译:“我对垄断者说不”代表人哈罗德·罗杰斯在支持修正案时说。)

15. A fire at the Beverly Hills Supper Club in Southgate, Ky. , killed 164 people. It was the worst such accident since 1942. (翻译:美国肯塔基州南盖特的贝弗利希尔斯晚餐俱乐部失火,造成164人死亡。这是xx年以来同类事故中最严重的一次。)

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