peloridiids是什么意思 peloridiids的中文翻译、读音、例句

peloridiids是什么意思 peloridiids的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:No, it's fair price. I make the best fake IDs in Pennsylvania. (不 价格很公道 宾西法尼亚州的假身分证 我做的是最好的)


例句:Lighter, fake ids, condoms, caffeine pills... wait, where are the eyedrops? (打火机,假身份证, 避孕套,咖啡因药片... 等待,哪里眼药水?)


1. After you came, they destroyed your national IDs. (翻译:你们来到这里后 政府已毁掉你们的国民号码)

2. Get positive IDs. Search everyone, including the security staff. (翻译:进行身份确认 搜查所有人 包括警卫人员!)

3. Raytheon's mission sustainment and support services is also an example of IDS 'OpenAIR? (翻译:雷声的任务维护和服务支持也是IDS的OpenAIR ? )

4. I told you, they are not here to arrest clients they just check IDs. (翻译:不是说了吗? 司警不抓嫖客的 看证件就行)

5. They'll check our ids on boarding, Bro (翻译:他们会在我们登船时 检查我们的身分证件,兄弟)

6. Claire, they have our IDs. They know where we live. (翻译:克莱尔 他们有我们身份证 他们知道我们住哪儿)

7. We create the IDs but you get called if they're breached. (翻译:证人身份是我们构造出来的 出问题了却找你们解决)

8. A half pel accuracy and variable block size motion estimation scheme is discussed lastly. (翻译:最后讨论了半像素精度和变块大小运动估计方案。)

9. Are they manning some kind of apocalyptic paramilitary convenience store filled with fake ids, and guns, and money? (翻译:那又怎样 他们在经营末世便利店吗 店里还摆满了假证 枪支和钱吗)

10. For our safety, for everyone's safety, we need to see your IDs. (翻译:为了安全起见 所有人的安全起见 我要看你们的身份证)

11. Off of dental records, we've gotten seven positive IDs so far. (翻译:查过牙科病历了 我们目前确定了七名被害人的身份)

12. I am Excelenca Sa, El Hajij, Feldmare's release, Dr. Idi Amin Dada. (翻译:我是终身总统、哈吉、 陆军元帅、伊迪·阿明·达达博士)

13. The IDs are printed as barcodes on labels that are stuck on personal health booklets kept by each patient. (翻译:这些身份识别信息 以条形码的形式贴在病人的病历上, 由病人保管。)

14. What if he turns out to be another Idi Amin? (翻译:那时发现他是伊迪·阿明第二怎么办? )

15. The fact is no government in the world, with the exception of a few, like that of Idi Amin, can seek to depend entirely on force as an instrument of rule. (翻译:事实是,世界上没有一个政府 除了少数像伊迪阿明那样的以外 可以选择完全用武力来进行统治)

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