pennisetum setaceum是什么意思 pennisetum setaceum的中文翻译、读音、例句

pennisetum setaceum是什么意思 pennisetum setaceum的中文翻译、读音、例句

pennisetum setaceum通常被翻译为"羽绒狼尾草、羽绒草"的意思,其次还有"网络"的意思,发音音标为[pennisetumsetaceum],pennisetum setaceum是一个英语名词,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到54个与pennisetum setaceum相关的例句。

Pennisetum setaceum的释义


例句:The influence of processing, storage conditions and storage times on the concentration of pigments in Pennisetum purpureum was investigated. (探讨了不同加工方法、不同贮存条件及不同贮存时间对矮象草天然色素含量的影响。)


例句:Adaptability of Pennisetum purpureum to eroded badlands of granite and its effects of soil and water conservation (象草在花岗岩侵蚀劣地的适应性及其水土保持效应)

例句:Pennisetum seeds of wild and wild Eragrostis there are varying degrees of seed dormancy characteristics of [13]. (野生狼尾草种子和野生大画眉草种子均存在不同程度的休眠特性[13]。)


例句:The influence of processing, storage conditions and storage times on the concentration of pigments in Pennisetum purpureum was investigated. (翻译:探讨了不同加工方法、不同贮存条件及不同贮存时间对矮象草天然色素含量的影响。)


pennisetum setaceum一般作为名词使用,如在Pennisetum setaceum([网络] 羽绒草;羽绒狼尾草;绒毛狼尾草系列)、setaceum([网络] 鹳冠兰;丝叶谷精草;鹳冠卷瓣兰)、pennisetum(n. [植]狼尾草)等常见短语中出现较多。

Pennisetum setaceum[网络] 羽绒草;羽绒狼尾草;绒毛狼尾草系列
setaceum[网络] 鹳冠兰;丝叶谷精草;鹳冠卷瓣兰
pennisetumn. [植]狼尾草
Eriocaulon setaceumn. 丝叶谷精草
genus Pennisetum[网络] 狼尾草属
Pennisetum alopecuroides狼尾草
pennisetum amiricanum珍珠粟
Pennisetum cenchroides[网络] 狼尾草
pennisetum cenchroidess[网络] 狼尾草\n(pennisetum cenchroides 的复数)
Pennisetum centrasiaticumn. 白草


1. Pennisetum seeds of wild and wild Eragrostis there are varying degrees of seed dormancy characteristics of [13]. (翻译:野生狼尾草种子和野生大画眉草种子均存在不同程度的休眠特性[13]。)

2. The influence of processing, storage conditions and storage times on the concentration of pigments in Pennisetum purpureum was investigated. (翻译:探讨了不同加工方法、不同贮存条件及不同贮存时间对矮象草天然色素含量的影响。)

3. Test of introduced 6 varities of Pennisetum was conducted in Doumen area of Zhuhai city. (翻译:对6个狼尾草属牧草在珠海市斗门区进行引种试验。)

4. Techniques of Flower Induction in Pennisetum purpureum and It's Cross-breeding with Pennisetum americanum (翻译:诱导象草开花及其与美洲狼尾草种间杂交制种综合配套技术)

5. The lawns near the entrance were planted with long strips of gaura, stipas and Pennisetum villosum, airy, lovely and tres chic. (翻译:入口处的草坪种了成排长长的山桃草,针茅以及狼尾草,轻盈,可爱而且很别致。)

6. Effects of Fertilizer Application on Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency and Nitrate Content in Hybrid Pennisetum (翻译:肥料运筹对杂交狼尾草氮素利用效率和硝酸盐含量的影响)

7. In this thesis, Based on the comparison of different sowing date of parents in Pennisetum americanum x P. purpureu, to present the best sowing time for parents in Pennisetum americanum x P. purpureu. (翻译:本文通过对杂交狼尾草亲本的不同播种期试验对比,提出了杂交狼尾草亲本的最佳播种时间; )


pennisetum setaceum作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、pennisetum、setaceums等。

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