percentile scale是什么意思 percentile scale的中文翻译、读音、例句

percentile scale是什么意思 percentile scale的中文翻译、读音、例句

percentile scale通常被翻译为"百分量表"的意思,在英美地区还有"百分量表"的意思,在线读音是[percentilescale],percentile scale常被用作名词,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到68个与percentile scale相关的句子。

Percentile scale的释义


例句:On a smaller scale-- but not that much smaller. (自己正在造的东西 虽然也不太小 on a smaller scale - - but not that much smaller.)


percentile scale一般作为名词使用,如在percentile(百分位数 )、percentile curve([经] 分布曲线)、percentile dice([网络] 百分骰子)等常见短语中出现较多。

percentile curve[经] 分布曲线
percentile dice[网络] 百分骰子
percentile rank百分等级
population percentile母体百分位数
sample percentile样本百分位数
ten percentile[财]十分位数
q percentile life可靠寿命


1. Then, the Data and Research Department, conducting a full-scale demographic survey of the catchment area. (翻译:其次 数据研究科 Then, the Data and ResearchDepartment, 总结分析 conducting a full -scale)

2. And the genius of doing that and a solution that can scale where there's already scale. (翻译:且非常天才,这个解决方案能够 将已经有的规模再扩大规模。)

3. We are now getting a better picture of the scale of the devastation. (翻译:我们现在对灾害程度有了更直观的了解 We are now getting a better picture of the scale of the devastation.)

4. it's shipping... subcontainer-scale shipping. (翻译:次级集装箱水平的物流 subcontainer -scale shipping.)

5. But with lion numbers as low as they are, they need all the help they can get. (翻译:-scale project. 他们需要一切可能得到的帮助 {\3cH202020}they need all the help they can get.)

6. If your child is over the 85th percentile, it is important to address the problem quickly. (翻译:如果您的孩子所在位置超过85百分位,迅速解决该问题是十分重要的。)

7. Colour Modes which support printing are CMYK Scale, Gray Scale, Bitmap Scale and Duotone Scale. (翻译:可支持印刷的色彩模式有CMYK模式、灰度模式、位图模式和双色调模式。)

8. He's in the 90 percentile for height and 95 for weight. (翻译:他的身高超过了90%的宝宝 体重超过了95%的)

9. The scale of the challenge across Africa is enormous. (翻译:整个非洲面临的挑战是巨大的 {\3cH202020}The scale of the challenge across Africa is enormous.)

10. It will all be on a much smaller scale of expectation in Scotland. (翻译:要是在苏格兰 场面就小多了 It will all be on a much smaller scale of expectation in Scotland.)

11. The great problem of the rainforest is one of scale, most of the prey animals here are tiny. (翻译:The great problem of the rainforest is one of scale. 雨林中最大的难题就是大小 Most of the prey animals here are tiny.)

12. CIBC is also perfecting the technique for breeding parasites that prey on "disapene scale" insects. (翻译:CIBC 还在完善培育寄生虫的技术,这些寄生虫以“disapene scale”昆虫为食。)

13. The rates in American Indian boys peaked in 2007, but declined only in the above 95th percentile group. (翻译:美国印第安男孩肥胖率在xx年达到高峰,但是只有第九十五百分位的人群有所减少。)

14. The inclined manometer's scale is usually replaced with a logarithmic scale. (翻译:斜管压力计的刻度通常用对数刻度代替。)

15. Yeah-- my 1/18 scale Wil Wheaton action figure. (翻译:my 1/18 scale Wil Wheaton action figure.)

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