percentage concentrition在英语中代表"百分浓度"的意思,其次还有"化"的意思,发音音标为[percentageconcentrition],percentage concentrition常被用作名词,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到18个与percentage concentrition相关的例句。
Percentage concentrition的释义
例句:Or do you just throw a percentage at them, like you did with this... (还是说你就随便分点股权给他们 Or do you just throw a percentage at them 就跟你给这个 like you did with this...)
例句:They never know that a certain percentage of what they see... is not there. (他们从来不知道一丁点 他们看见的不是实情)
percentage concentrition一般作为名词使用,如在percentage(百分比 )、no percentage(没有好处)、on percentage([经] 手续费)等常见短语中出现较多。
percentage | 百分比 |
no percentage | 没有好处 |
on percentage | [经] 手续费 |
dirt percentage | 含杂率 |
earthing percentage | [电] 接地百分率 |
discount percentage | 折扣率 |
disengaging percentage | 退出百分数 |
distribution percentage | 分配百分率 |
dressing percentage | 屠宰率 |
1. This is a graph of the percentage of times the matcher picked right on the x-axis, and the percentage of times they predicted right by the mismatcher on the y-axis. (翻译:这是一个时间百分率的图标 右边的配对员是X轴 预计右边玩家的非匹配者 他们时间的百分率在y轴 )
2. Effect of Several Chemicals on the Germination Percentage of Ve getable Seeds (翻译:几种化学药剂处理对蔬菜劣变种子生活力的影响)
3. But actually in scientific community there is great debate about what percentage of flu transmission between people is from sneezing and coughing and what percentage is on your hands. (翻译:但是实际上,科学界有个大讨论, 是关于流感人际传播有多大比例 是通过打喷嚏和咳嗽, 多大比例是通过手的接触。)
4. Subcutaneous fat percentage and belly fat percentage of 'France Muscovy' decreased by 2.39 % and 1.01 %. (翻译:而法国番鸭随着周龄的增加,皮脂率和腹脂率分别降低了2.39%和1.01%。)
5. Some percentage of dibasic acids were replaced by rosin. (翻译:松香可取代一定百分比的二元酸。)
6. A great percentage of the kids that ate the marshmallow, they were in trouble. (翻译:而吃了棉花糖的小孩中有很大一部份, 都有些问题。)
7. It's a percentage, whether it is 0.01 or 0.001. (翻译:总之有个比例的 不管是百分之一还是千分之一)
8. It was: "What percentage of the day and night do you think about this person?" (翻译:“你一天之中有多少时间是在想念这个人的?” )
9. - He takes a percentage of my work. (翻译:- 谁是Ricky ? - 他从我工作中提成.)
10. Thank the dice. They told me what percentage of my face to shave. (翻译:骰子告诉我该刮多少比例的胡子 They told me what percentage of my face to shave.)
11. As with percents of trend, this measure is also a percentage. (翻译:同趋势百分数一样,这个量也是一个百分数。)
12. The figure is expressed as a percentage. (翻译:数字是用百分率表示的。)
13. - He takes a wee percentage. (翻译:- He takes a wee percentage)
14. The percentage of girls in engineering has increased substantially. (翻译:工科女生的比例已经大大增长了。)
15. There exists a small percentage of the population with a dormant alien gene. (翻译:这世上有一小部分人的基因里 There exists a small percentage of the population 有显性的外星基因 with a dormant alien gene.)