perge是什么意思 perge的中文翻译、读音、例句

perge是什么意思 perge的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词汇含义:perge是一个拉丁语单词,意为“继续前进,继续往前”。在英语中也可以作为缩写词使用,如PERGE(The Prevention and Early Recognition of Gifted Education),表示早期识别与预防天才教育。

2. 用法:perge通常用于鼓励、激励或提醒他人继续前进,不要放弃。PERGE作为缩写词可以用于教育和学术领域,特别是关于天才儿童的教育。

3. 例句:

- Perge et fieri(继续前进,直到成功)。

- Perge! Non desistas!(继续前进,不要放弃!)

- Perge sed fortiter(继续前进,但要坚定不移)。

- Our goal is to PERGE gifted children at an early age so they can receive proper education and guidance.(我们的目标是在天才儿童早期识别与预防,以便他们能够获得适当的教育和指导。)

- The PERGE program aims to identify and provide resources for gifted students who may not be recognized in traditional education settings.(PERGE计划旨在识别并为在传统教育环境中可能未被认可的天才学生提供资源。)

4. 同义词:advance, continue, move forward, progress

5. 反义词:halt, stop, quit



1. Perge on your journey and don't look back. (继续你的旅程,不要回头。)

2. He perged toward his goal with great determination. (他充满决心地朝着自己的目标前进。)

3. She perged through the desert despite the harsh conditions. (尽管环境恶劣,她仍然前往沙漠。)




例句:GE believes that the discs will ultimately store more than a terabyte of data. (GE相信这种碟片最终将可以存储超过一兆兆字节的数据。)


例句:Or his database opens Jiang of Ge postern and so on. (或者将他的数据库开个后门之类的。)


例句:Mexican wrestling on pay-per-view all day. (Mexican wrestling on pay -per -view all day.)


例句:GE entered the solar business through the purchase of Astropower. (翻译:GE是通过收购Astropower涉足太阳能业务的。)


1. Mexican wrestling on pay-per-view all day. (翻译:Mexican wrestling on pay -per -view all day.)

2. GE entered the solar business through the purchase of Astropower. (翻译:GE是通过收购Astropower涉足太阳能业务的。)

3. We do change the combination weekly, per federal regulations. (翻译:We do change the combination weekly, 来更换密码的 per federal regulations.)

4. Real deal starts at 30 grand, per person. (翻译:Real deal starts at 30 grand, per person. 每人3万美刀)

5. GE's Mac 400 ECG incorporates the latest technology. (翻译:GE的Mac 400心电描记器体现出最新的技术。)

6. Ge... ran... wei... 220 Granville Road (翻译:-嘉莲威老道222号 -嘉莲威老道222号)

7. b. Harrod's of London sells stock to the General Electric pension fund. (翻译:伦敦的哈罗德公司把股票出售给GE的退休基金会。)

8. When everyone praise Ge Li respect him and listen to him (翻译:当所有人都称赞革离是英雄 都尊敬他,听从他的时候)

9. How did GE get itself into a mess that has seen $269 billion wiped off its stockmarket value since the beginning of 2008? (翻译:自从xx年初,GE的股价已蒸发2690亿美元,而GE究竟是如何陷入这种僵局的呢?)

10. That's nice. It'll do him good. (翻译:很好, Nadège, 那对他只会有好处)

11. Small add, give Zou Bo2 Zhao Ge (翻译:give Zou Bo2 Zhao Ge)

12. - Total shambles, as per usual. (翻译:-大家还是跟以前一样惨兮兮的 -谢了 -Total shambles, as per usual.)

13. Fox, GE, NBC, Viacom, CBS, were trying to curry favor to win the support of the Bush administration for this huge give away on media ownership. (翻译:GE,福克斯,NBC,CBS,维亚康姆,... 试着讨好赢得了 对布什的支持... 这个巨大的...)

14. The force of gravity is 9.81 meters per second squared. (翻译:The force of gravity 9.81米每平方秒 is 9.81 meters per second squared.)

15. Mademoiselle Nadege is really a model secretary. (翻译:Nadège小姐真是个模范秘书, 你不这样觉得吗, 妈妈?)



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