perifollicular atrophy是什么意思 perifollicular atrophy的中文翻译、读音、例句

perifollicular atrophy是什么意思 perifollicular atrophy的中文翻译、读音、例句

perifollicular atrophy的意思是"毛囊周围萎缩症",在日常中也代表"毛囊周围萎缩症"的意思,在线发音:[perifollicularatrophy],perifollicular atrophy常被用作名词,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到85个与perifollicular atrophy相关的句子。

Perifollicular atrophy的翻译


例句:It turns out that our brains are actually wired for throwing things, and like muscles, if you don't use parts of your brain, they tend to atrophy over time. (研究证明,我们的大脑天生就懂得如何进行投掷, 就如同我们的身体肌肉一样,如果你不经常使用你的大脑, 它也会慢慢萎缩退化的。)


perifollicular atrophy一般作为名词使用,如在perifollicular macular atrophy(毛囊周围斑状萎缩症)、perifollicular([医] 滤泡周的(一般指毛囊周的))、atrophy(萎缩 )等常见短语中出现较多。

perifollicular macular atrophy毛囊周围斑状萎缩症
perifollicular[医] 滤泡周的(一般指毛囊周的)
perifollicular cell[细胞] 滤泡旁细胞
perifollicular elastosis毛囊周围弹性纤维溶解症
perifollicular fibroma毛囊周围纤维瘤
perifollicular keratosis毛囊周角化病
perifollicular zone滤泡周围带;周围滤泡带
multiple perifollicular fibroma多发性毛囊周围性纤维瘤


1. In all patients, the muscle flap had progressive shrinkage and atrophy, therefore, debulking surgery was not performed. (翻译:在后续的追踪肌肉瓣有萎缩的情形出现,所以病人皆没有接受第二次肌肉瓣打薄手术。)

2. Denervation will unavoidably result in atrophy of the innervated muscles, apoptosis is considered to be one of the atrophy mechanisms. (翻译:骨骼肌失去神经支配后将不可避免地发生萎缩,细胞凋亡被认为是其中的机制之一。)

3. First, the collagen in our folds stiffens and the surrounding elastin fibers atrophy and decay. (翻译:首先,喉咙内的软组织将硬化 而周围的弹性纤维也将 萎缩而衰化。)

4. Happen at the tongue unlucky a glossa tit atrophy, reaction of serological examination Kang Wa is strong positive. (翻译:发生于舌背时则舌乳头萎缩,血清学检查康瓦反应为强阳性。)

5. It's as if the muscles of my heart started to atrophy. (翻译:就好像我的心脏肌肉开始萎缩。)

6. Too few proteins lead to night blindness, perifollicular hyperkeratosis, xerophthalmia, increased morbidity and mortality in young children. (翻译:蛋白质太少会导致夜盲症,滤泡性角化过度,干眼症,幼儿发病率和死亡率增加。)

7. But you have to rk these muscles now, or they will atrophy and they'll heal incorrectly. (翻译:但你必须得锻炼肌肉力量 要不它们会萎缩 难以恢复正常功能)

8. As the prostate develops from the urethra, it invades and thins the sphincter muscle, causing a reduction or atrophy of some of the muscle. (翻译:当前列腺从尿道中发育增大后,它侵入并使该括约肌变薄,导致部分肌肉的萎缩或减退。)

9. Modulating effect of androgen on ubiquitin ligases in a rat model of skeletal muscle atrophy (翻译:雄激素对骨骼肌萎缩大鼠泛素连接酶的调控作用研究)

10. Plato feared that our memories would atrophy with the coming of the printed word -- and perhaps he was not so far wrong! (翻译:柏拉图担心我们的记忆会随着印刷字的出现而萎缩,也许他没有错得那么多!)

11. Did middleaged person get cerebella atrophy what to kind of symptom you can have excuse me? Serious? (翻译:请问中年人得了小脑萎缩症会有什么样的症状?严重吗?)

12. Objective: on the base of animal experiments through the applying of MGTR in clinic to observe the defective and partially atrophy alveolar crest regeneration for dental implants application. (翻译:前言:目的:在动物实验的基础上,研究临床应用膜诱导组织再生技术治疗牙种植体周围炎,以观察治疗的临床效果。)

13. If that pledge is to be kept, the bank cannot atrophy. (翻译:如果要实现这个承诺,世行就不能继续资金缩水。)

14. While anti-spasticity drugs reduce spasticity, they also weaken muscles and may cause flaccidity and muscle atrophy. (翻译:虽然抗痉挛药物降低痉挛,也削弱,而且可能会导致肌肉痿和肌肉萎缩。)

15. Lateral groups of nephrons are affected more than central ones, leading to patchy atrophy with variable degrees of severity. (翻译:侧组肾单位受累较中心组为重,而导致严重程度不等的斑状萎缩。)

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